Chapter One

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Austin never really liked being defenseless and unable to handle himself in a dangerous situation should he ever need to do so. In fact he hated it. Especially now that he was the teenage heartthrob popstar of Miami and pretty much everywhere else, and he had fans of all sorts. Including crazy fans who may want to kidnap him and keep him for themselves. Not...that it happened before.

But the simple fact that he hated being defenseless and his mom thought that taking karate classes would be a good idea, so here he was, standing outside the entrance of the Wasabi Dojo, his nerves on overdrive.

Austin watched five people spar with each other inside the dojo, positive that he still had time to back out of it if he wanted to. But then he thought about what his mom wanted and he sighed, striding towards the doors.

If this will make my mom happy then I'll do it, Austin thought.

When he walked into the dojo, the five teens paused what they were doing to watch him curiously. The only girl who was blond and had blue eyes squealed and clapped her hands, causing all attention to turn to her. 

"Oh my God, it's Austin Moon!" She yelled.

Great, Austin thought to himself. She knows who I am.

"Austin Moon?" The talk brown haired boy asked.

"Who's that?" An African~American boy added in.

Austin ignored them as he made his way to the door that obviously was the entrance to the back office and knocked twice. There was a brief pause before a faint 'come in' could be heard. Austin opened the door and shut it behind him, realizing how small the office was in diameter.

A man that couldn't be much older than twenty~seven with short blond hair and blue eyes, sat in a black office chair, his legs propped up on his desk. He seemed to be very casual and cool to be a sensei but apparently he was.

"Austin Moon, I'm assuming. Your mother called ahead and told me that you'd be here." The man said, lowering his feet so he could stand up. He stuck his hand out. "I'm Rudy."

Austin shook his hand and said, "I'm Austin...but you already knew that."

Rudy smiled at his sense of humor and walked around his desk to the door. "How about I introduce you to my other students?"

Austin nodded and followed Rudy out to the training area where the five teens were standing in the middle of the floor, most likely still talking about him. Austin would never say so aloud but he kind of hated it when people talked about him when he was right there.

"Guys!" Rudy said drawing their attention and he gestured to Austin. "I want you to meet the newest addition to our dojo. This is Austin Moon. Austin, this is Milton Kruptnik," he gestured to a ginger haired teen with a nerdy look. "Jerry Martinez," he pointed to a Filipino looking kid. "Eddie," The African~American smiled brightly at him. "Kim Crawford," he pointed to the blonde girl who waved. "And Jack Brewer."

The tall brown haired, fair headed boy with brown eyes a bright smile, reached his hand out for him to shake it. When Austin placed his hand in his, he realized how much smaller his hands were to Jack's and the firm grip that Jack had made his cheeks burn red. Not to mention the fluttering in his stomach.

Austin withdrew his hand and smiled cheerfully at the five teens whose names he finally knew. "Hello! It's great to meet you guys." 

"Likewise." Kim says. "But what are you doing here in Seaford? Don't you live in Miami, Florida?"

Austin hesitated before he answered the question. "Well my mom, dad and my friends moved here to be closer to this place so I could get the lessons I need. Uh," Austin scratched the back of his head before continuing. "Something kind of happened when I came back home from tour that changed my parent's aspect on living in Miami."

"What happened?" Milton asked curiously.

Austin frowned, unsure if he wanted to reveal the real reason as to why he moved four hundred miles away from Miami to live here in Seaford, Florida. To be completely honest, he didn't know if he was ready to talk about it. But they were going to be his friends right? So they deserved to know.

"I had this crazy fan whose brother would do anything to make her happy and all she wanted was for me to come see her. Her brother wanted to give her something better so....he kidnapped me. It was after my tour had ended and I was coming home from Sonic Boom after a day of writing songs with my best friend Ally Dawson. The guy was already in my house and I didn't notice that something was wrong until it was too late. Of course I fought back but...he overpowered me by a ton and it only took one hit to knock me out."

Austin studied their faces for reactions before he went on with his story. 

"It took three days for anyone to even come up with my location and the first person who was by my side, was my best friend since birth Dez. The girl's brother had gotten arrested but the girl herself had no idea what he had done."

Kim stared at him and said, "So...what was he doing with you all that time then?"

"He wanted to make it so that I'd never breathe a word to his sister what he had done. He wanted me to pretend as if I had came to see her of my own free will but I told him I wouldn't lie about something like that. He...he hurt me. A lot. Said that if I continued to refuse to do what he wanted that he would keep hurting me. He would beat me all day until I wasn't even conscious anymore. On the third day, I considering giving up but then I was found and he was put in jail."

"That's horrible!" Jerry exclaimed.

"How long ago did this happen?"Jack asked curiously.

Austin shrugged. "About a year and a half. I finished out the school year at Miami High before we moved."

"And your friends moved here too?" Eddie questioned.

"Dez had moved in with my family a long time ago when his parents died in a car accident, Ally and her dad had been planning to move anyway and Trish...well Trish has a way with words. So let's just say she persuaded her parents to move here."

"'re safe with us, Austin. We protect our own." Rudy says.

"We swear by the light of the dragons eye, to be loyal, honest and never say die. Wasabi." Jack says staring into Austin's eyes.

Austin feels his cheeks beginning to heat up and he looks around at each member of the Wasabi Dojo. "What does that mean?"

"It's our code. The Wasabi code. We never break it because it's important and means a lot to us." Jerry told him.

Austin smiles then and looks at his new friends. "I think I'm gonna like it here."

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