Chapter 1 Disorientated Discoveries (edited)

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I Do Not Own Anything Harry Potter Related or video above.

I hope you enjoy!

The first thing Harry felt on becoming conscious enough to distinguish anything was the aching throb.
It coursed throughout his now small frame, making him feel like he'd gone through a meat grinder. He didn't know how long he drifted on the brink of awareness.
When he was finally awake enough to make sense of something other than the pain, He noticed a young boy with a curtain of straight black hair covering his dark eyes that glimmered with stifled tears, cradling his upper body to his trembling chest and mumbling nonsense as he cried.
Harry, dumbfounded, was aroused from his stupefaction and memories of this body by the choked-out words of the other.
"D-don't leave me alone!" He halted to take a shuddering breath, merely choking on a quiet sob instead as his black eyes shimmered with unshed tears. "Septimus, p-p-please!"
Septimus tried to reassure his brother, but the only sound that got past his parched lips was a quiet, "Sev." His nickname for his twin came out more like a whimper than an actual word.
Hearing his name, Severus sprung swiftly into action, not wanting his twin in any more pain than necessary, and grabbed the bottle of pain reliever, bringing it to Septimus' lips, and quietly said, "Drink."
Obediently he opened his mouth and gulped down the revolting contents with a shudder. After he finished the potion vile was replaced with a cup of water that was made to slowly drink. Then sighed in relief as the pain slowly diminished.
Septimius mutely thanked Death for granting him the chance to have a family he'd always wanted siblings.
(Dysfunctional as it most likely will be, but at least one if not two out of three loved him)
Suddenly, as he wordlessly vowed to protect his new brother for as long as possible, he let his magic flow protectively over the two of them.
He soon drifted into a peaceful slumber, a small smile slowly curling his lips as he held Sev's hand in his own.


The twins were in their small, virtually barren bedroom reading their mother's old first-grade textbooks.
Severus sat on their pitifully rickety bed, with his back against the headboard and the potions book propped on his folded legs.
With an expression of determined concentration on his face as he marked down the errors onto a separate piece of paper to go over later with their mum.
Septimus, beside him, cuddled into his brother's side.
Flipping casually through the DADA book, having already gone over it more times than he'd like, not having access to his mother's more advanced textbooks.
("Like Runes, his mother said he had to wait until he was ten before she allowed him to get his hands on such advanced material.")

warning violence

Suddenly, there was a loud bang that startled them.
They glanced at each other and decided to start quietly down the stairs.
A few seconds later, an incoherently slurred voice starts yelling, followed shortly by a scream that abruptly cuts short.
The twins stopped at the bottom of the stairs when they saw their so-called father standing over their mother.
Severus was the first to come out of his shock, rushing forward to kneel next to her motionless form.
Septimus was close behind his bother as he positioned himself with his back to them, between his father and them.
He knew he'd made a mistake as soon as he saw how the man in front of him would sway slightly with his every action.
Tobias, red in the face from more than just anger, started to bluster, "why u itle brat!"
The next thing he knew, Tobias had a hand fisted in his hair, yanking him up by it and flinging him to the side into the wall.
The last thing he remembered before passing out was his brother's shout of "Septimus!" and his father's foot flying towards him before a flash of white-hot pain as everything faded into oblivion..

End Flashback

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