The orphanage

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Damian's POV~
I was raised in a ruddy orphanage that didn't give a crap about me. Seriously all the other kids there would tease me for my unusually ghostly white skin. The workers that were there didn't pay me any mind. One kid would always call me ghost girl , and since I wasn't given a true name by my biological parents. I named myself. I go by the name Damian It's a boy's name and I know that but I love that name! I was nicknamed rebel for my habit to rise against the masses , by that I mean the fellow orphans I live with and the orphanage workers. "Get up Damian!" I heard an orphanage worker screaming on the other side of my bedroom door in the orphanage that I lived in. I had the room all to myself since nobody wanted to bunk with me. "I'M UP! No need to scream! Just knock next time!!!" I yelled right back. Every word was laced with a mix of malice and venom. I didn't want to leave my room today because today was adoption day for the orphans. Every day. Every potential family walked right past me to collect and adopt a different child. No one wanted a pale freak like me... I begrudgingly got ready. (The outfit above.) The orphanage gave us at least 40 bucks so we could buy outfits or something we really wanted. I slowly stepped out of my room. I hate today. I hate the orphanage that I grew up in for 5 years. I'm fifteen. No one wanted a teenager. No one really cared for teens that spent most of my life here. "The ghost girl is here everyone don't let her get to close to you or you will become a freak and never be adopted!!!" I heard an orphan scream. 'Great. This happens every. Single. Day!' I thought to myself. I was already in a foul mood because I won't be adopted today , and on top of that that orphan screamed that now I'm completely alone. I'm fine with that. In fact I'm used to it... I went to the room full of instruments. There it was. My guitar. The only thing that my parents left with me... I carefully picked up the case containing my guitar. I slid the strap over my shoulder then left that room. Soon that room will be full of the orphans that weren't adopted that are trying to play there instruments. 'God they were so awful at it!' I thought happily to myself. Glad they were suffering as well as me. Maybe this day won't be so bad after all... " DAMIAN!?" I heard my least favorite orphanage worker scream my name. Odd. Instead of her voice being full of hate and spite... it was laced with happiness!? 'Oh dear Odin what did I do wrong!?' I was miserable at the sound of her voice. "Who are you and what have you done to mrs. C!?" I asked my voice was full of curiosity at to why she was so giddy and happy to see me...
*Le time skip; after mrs. C  explaining why she was so happy*
Damian's POV~ I couldn't believe what I was hearing. She said that I was being adopted. By an actual family I could call my own. I was finally gonna get out of this nightmare of a place! " What do they look like!? Do they like music? Are they like me!?!" One million questions were buzzing around in my head. I was happy that I was going to a family. With loving parents to call my own... " Go get packed Damian!" Mrs. C said cheerfully. I rain to my room as quick as I could thinking they would leave if I took to long... " I'm getting ADOPTED!!!" I yelled gleefully all the way to my room. I pumped my fist into the air as soon as I got to my room. Then I started to pack...

Mrs. C's POV~ 'I cannot believe she fell for it!' She looked so cheerful at the thought of being adopted. To bad once she gets to the lobby... no one would be there to take her. She wouldn't be greeted with a family ready to accept her with open arms. She'll be greeted with the other orphans laughing at her pain and sorrow. I was happy at the thought to see her hopes of being adopted getting crushed.

Damian's POV~ once I was fully packed I basically ran out into the lobby all my stuff packed in a duffel bag and my guitar resting in it's case... at least until I'll take it out to play it... hopefully I get a little sibling so I can sing to them every single night. 'I'll be the best big sister ever' I thought I was never this happy before. I sort of like the idea of being in a family... but that happiness was crushed as soon as I say the orphans that weren't adopted laughing at me. Another yelled " You thought you would be adopted!? No one would want a freak like you!!!" I was overwhelmed with sorrow. So I ran all the way out of the cursed orphanage I was forced to call home for fifteen long miserable years...

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