Deku's Backstory

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Kurogiri POV
I'm driving as fast as I can down the road as I just got a call that there has been a fire at my house with my wife and child inside. As I get there I see my house up in flames with fire fighters running inside. I jump out of my car and up to a fire fighter.
"Sir I'm gonna have to ask you to backup and slow down now who is Inko?"
"My wife she's in there with my son Izuku" Right as I said that I see a fire fighter walk out with a crying baby.
"IZUKU!" I run right up to them and take my crying son from them.
"Wait where is Inko?" Right as I said that they bring her out on a stretcher.
"INKO!" I run up to her carrying Izuku in my arms. "Inko what happened?"
"There was someone in the backyard next thing I new the house was on fire." She said right as they load her into the ambulance.
"I'll see you at the hospital Inko." I say as i run to my car and load Izuku in.
Le time skip brought to you by your sleep deprived author
Middle school Deku
I'm working at the bar when Izuku runs in from school covered in bruises. "Izuku are you ok?" I hear Shigiraki ask.
"Yeah Bakugou was bullying me again." He said while walkign behind the bar to grab a ice pack.
"Come here Izuku and let me see your bruise."
"I'm fine."
"I said let me see Izuku." I said getting protective of him. He walks over to me looking scared. I look down and hug him. "I'm sorry you know im protective after what happened."
"Yeah I know, anyways dad there is something I want to tell you all." He looks up and says.
"Ok well let's get everyone's attention then." After I get everyone's attention Izuku looks at all of us and says. "I have decided which high school I want to attend."
"Which one have you decided on?" Asked Shigiraki
"I wanna attend UA."

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