Department of Mysteries

292 17 16

Winter was approaching and Rosie was desperate to find her brother. She had checked the rune on the wall over a hundred times but couldn't find anything else. 

There was a loud bang as Rosie threw another book onto the floor. She kicked the table and cursed as she stubbed her toe. "What is that damn rune?!" Rosie yelled out, frustrated. She had checked every rune book in the castle and hadn't figured out what it meant. There were no other clues. Rosie sighed and dropped down onto the couch when the doorbell rang. Rosie stood up and opened the door. 

"Rosie!" Isabella greeted. Juniper nodded. She was the more quiet twin. Behind them were two boys and a girl. Rosie let them in and conjured some seats. 

"Alright, time for introductions." Juniper said. Everyone nodded in agreement and Juniper nodded at one of the boys. Soft brown hair and slight blue eyes, closer to grey. He was tanned and had a serious look on his face. Rosie looked away at the thought of Sirius' death flashing before her eyes. 

"August Walter. I'm a Hufflepuff and I'm a Halfblood. My favourite classes are Charms and Transfiguration. Isabella has been training me with Elemental magic. I'm a psychic." Rosie nodded. 

"Rosalie Potter. Just call me Rosie. I'm a Gryffindor and a Halfblood. My favourite classes are Transfiguration and Potions. My elemental is under the nature category. Flowers." Rosie's voice died a little at the word nature. Juniper rose an eyebrow but Rosie just turned away. 

"Isabella and Juniper Weasley. We're Pureblood Slytherins and we don't have a favourite class. We're pranksters and our elemental is fire." Rosie nodded. She then looked at the boy with blond hair and brown eyes. Rosie looked away. Why did all of the new members have to remind her of the old members? 

"Max Reed. Gryffindor. Muggleborn. I'm not exactly popular and my favourite class is Herbology." Rosie mentally groaned. Was this the new Neville but a Gryffindor? "My elemental is plants." Rosie nodded and then looked at the last girl. She had long black hair that covered her face. She pushed away some hair and she had green eyes so similar to her brother's. Dull, broken and curious. 

"Cassandra Nickleson. I'm a Muggleborn Ravenclaw and my favourite class is Defense Against The Dark Arts. My elemental is shadow and invisibility." Exactly like her brother. He was quite the Ravenclaw himself and his favourite class was DADA. Shadow was his elemental and his boyfriend's elemental was Invisibility. Rosie knew that her brother also had a light elemental but he didn't use it often. 

"So, we've lost all our DADA teachers. One is missing and all the others have done suicide. My brother has set up clues for us to find. I've found one." Rosie drew a triangle and then a circle on the inside. She then drew a line going down the triangle. 

"I know that!" Max exclaimed. Cassandra nodded as well. 

"It's from that story. Mum would read it to us all the time." Juniper nodded. Isabella seemed to be racking through her brain. 

"The Tale of the Three Brothers. An indestructible cloak of Invisibility, a powerful wand with a bloody past and a stone that can bring back spirits of the dead." Rosie's eyes lit up in realization. She dashed to her brother's closet and found the cloak of Invisibility. There was a small note pinned on it. She walked back to the meeting room with the silk cloak in her hands. 

"A magnifying glass and a person leaving. Then there's the word cement with the 'c' and 'e' crossed out. What could that mean?" Rosie thought out loud. Isabella looked confused. 

"Magna what?" She asked. Juniper nodded in agreement.

"It's something that makes things bigger than they seem with lenses." Cassandra informed. She brought one out and handed it to the Slytherin twins. Rosie looked at the message over and over again. Max checked his watch. 

"It's late. I'm going to go back to the dorms."

"Cassie- You don't mind me calling you that right?" Rosie began. Cassandra just nodded. 

"Cassie, what's another word for leave?" 

"Permit, day off, away, depart-"

"That's it! Department." Rosie exclaimed, cutting Cassandra off. Cassandra gave a distant smile and fiddled with her long dark locks. Rosie stared at the magnifying glass sadly. 

"What could the magnifying glass mean?" She asked. 

"Maybe we need to find something in a Department?" August suggested. Isabella nodded in agreement. Juniper shrugged. Cassandra stayed silent. 

"Cassie?" Rosie asked lightly. Cassandra finally shrugged. Rosie raised an eyebrow to the Ravenclaw but thought for awhile. 

"My brother rarely goes to the Ministry, nor does he like it." Rosie sighed. She kept pacing around the room for awhile. 

"Keep doing that and you'll wear a hole in the carpet." August joked. Rosie glared and sat back down. The seven stayed silent for awhile. 

"What Departments are there?" Isabella asked. Rosie thought for a moment.

"I only know one. And it's the Department of Myster- Isabella you're a genius!" Isabella looked at her funny. 

"I'm a what? I have the lowest grades of the group." Rosie rolled her eyes and grinned. 

"The Department of Mysteries! We were just there a few weeks ago! Magnifying glasses are used by detectives to solver mysteries! That means-..." Rosie fell silent. Everyone looked at her. "That means he went into the Veil." 


Rosie x Cassandra (Yes or No?)

Rosie x August

Rosie x Max

Rosie x Isabella

Rosie x Juniper

Rosie x Isabella x Juniper

Isabella x Juniper

Isabella x Cassandra

Isabella x Man

Isabella x August

Juniper x Cassandra

Juniper x August

Juniper x Max

Cassandra x Max

Cassandra x August

Max x August

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2020 ⏰

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