Chapter 25

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"Mook!" I see him standing by the bubblers, he perked up and smiles at me as I ran over to him, "You know what happened in the past couple of days? Mari did this... and it all worked out!" I tell him the story, "I see... I'm glad it all worked out in the end," He holds my hand, "I think everyone's on edge with the reincarnation test coming up. But what's the use worrying right? Let's think positively today! Even if it's just for a few more hours," I smile, "Yeah, sure," He snakes around and kisses me, we head out to the forest, "This is our last year in these woods together," I lean up against a tree, I didn't want to say it but it was the elephant in the room, "And it might be the last year I see you-" He stops me from finishing the sentence, "No. No way am I letting you finish that sentence," He says sternly, 'Drip, drip, drip' Water started to pour from the sky, he smiles and hugs me tight, I felt his scales start to appear and he turned into a sea serpent, "I'll fly all around the world, I will find you when we live our next lives. I'll protect you with my life in our next ones." He purrs, I felt tears prickle, "Come here," I hold my hands out and he lowers his head into my arms, he wraps himself around me and kept me warm. "It always feels so fresh after it rains," I tap a few leaves and the droplets fall off it, "Let's go, you're gonna catch a cold," He puts his blazer over me, I pout, "But look at you, if you don't have your blazer on, you'll freeze!" I try taking it off but he forces it on my shoulders, "I'm a sea serpent, I don't get cold," He chuckles, I huff, "Yes you do... I've seen you cold before," I gave up and kept his blazer on, out of the corner of my eyes I see Dicarius holding Sua, "Sua? Sua!!!" I run up to them. "It's nothing serious, she'll be all better once she has a good night's sleep!" The squirrels in the nurse's office say, "That's a relief," I sigh, "Why was she standing in the rain? She hates water." Mari points out, "She's been wondering about her past life for the last couple of days, I should've paid more attention to her..." Aru says, "Maybe it's not necessarily a good thing to know your past life." Hui looks down, I flinch, they girls look at me and I slowly nod. 

"I believe some of you are ready to face your past life, but some of you are not quite ready yet. Two of you already know about yours... today I'll show you your past life. In this player is an edited 7-minute video but only for those who are ready of course. But I warn you, your past life might not be as fun and exciting as you hoped it to be, it can be sad or depressing so think carefully before you make your decisions." Ms. Jayul says, I bite my bottom lip, "Do any of you want to watch your previous life?" I ask, Mari and Aru shake their head, "Then let's go..." Aru says, "I... I want to Miss. I want to watch the past life player." Hui raises her hand and steps forward, "If you're all here, let's begin," She presses a book and door swings open, "Sehui, let's start with you!" She walks in, "Okay." Hui braces herself and walks into the room.

The door clicks open and Hui walks out, "Sehui! How was it? Come on, tell us!" Aru says, I see her trembling, this can't be good. She turns to Mari, "I... think I killed you... Mari." She says, we all freeze, "Hui, you do realise this doesn't make any sense right?" I try to ease the situation, "Be more specific, what did you see in there?" Mari asks, "My hands... were around your-" She was interrupted by Mari, "Stop. I don't wanna hear it. You said that was an edited version right? Then we just need to find the original. We'll know for sure whether what you're saying is true or not." Mari says, we all nod. We walk back out and I was muttering to myself, "Kiki, is everything okay?" Mook asks me, we were walking through the corridors, "Yeah, it's fine." I look up at him, "Hey Mook! Thank God you're here! The kids that were supposed to help didn't show up. Can you guys give me a hand with this? They're not that heavy but they're really important so please be careful." Our teacher shows up, "Yes sir." We nod. I picked up a box but Mook grabbed it out of my hands and swapped it with a smaller, lighter box, "Take this one, if it's too heavy I can carry it for you." He says, I give him that stupid grin. "No, I got this, it's fine but it looks like Sir's having trouble. Not everyone has super strength like you," I turn my head around and I see our teacher stumbling around with the heaviest box, "He can carry that by himself, he has arms," Mook says blankly, I giggle, I look down at the boxes, no way... these were the original copies of past lives. "Well done, you can just leave them here. Thanks." We place the boxes down in from of the control room, "Oh, we can help move them inside!" I say, I wanted to get in to try and find Hui's file, "Thanks, but no. Students aren't allowed in here, I'll do it myself." He nods, I place my box down and close my eyes, "Hey, Kiki, let's go," I hear Mook, I put a finger to my lips and he was confused, 'Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!' I hear the sound of the buttons, "Are you still here?" He quickly turns around, "Oh yeah! Sorry, I had to tie my shoelace up! We're heading out now! Bye!" I run off and grab Mook's arm. 

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