Chapter 1

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Fluff ;)
WHEELER HOME: Today was a new day, today was the day I got to spend my whole day with el Mike thought to himself as he was getting ready. It was the weekend so hopper let mike come a bit earlier and stay a bit later, to mikes surprise he can get away with a lot later. It did not matter to him as long as he spent time with us girlfriend
"MIKE GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE OR IM NOT TAKING YOU" he heard Nancy yell from the bottom of the stairs.
"OH MY GOSH NANCY SHUT THE HELL UP IM COMING!" Mike yelled back in reply.
mike finished getting ready and walked downstairs getting all exited at the thought of him being with el all day.
HOPPER HOME: el made sure she got up extra early so she could be ready for her boyfriend. It did not take el long to get ready today, she knew her and mike would probably stay in today and watch movies so what's the point.
"El come in here for a second" she heard hop say. She got up and went to the kitchen
"You called?" She replied back.
"Listen I wanna set some ground rules for you and wheeler." He said in a stern tone.
El furrowed her eyebrows at him.
"Ground rules?" She questioned not understanding
"Yeah, like things you can't do and rules you need to follow. I don't need the wheeler boy here all day in fact-" he got cut off By el
"Hop it's the weekend, you usually let him stay later!" El wined
"Uh el that wheeler boy-"he got cut off by  his phone
"Oh shit. Okay I'll be there soon" he said in a worried tone.
"What's wrong?" El questioned.
"I gotta get to work now eleven, remember hands to yourself, love you" he said rushing out the door.
Okay she though. It must be important...
Nancy and mike were on there way to elevens house when they saw hopper fly by them almost causing them to go off the rode.
"holy shit what the hell is wrong with him?" Nancy looked back at mike, he just shrugged.
They were pulling into elevens driveway and mike was already out of the car running up to eleven who was sitting on the porch. As soon as she saw him she stood up and he ran into her arms embracing a hug. Mike pulled back giving her a kiss.
"What do you want to do today?" Mike asked as el pulled is arm hinting she wanted to go inside.
"MIKE IM LEAVING" they both heard Nancy yell, they giggled as they walked into elevens room.
Mike  was sitting on el's bed as he watched her get up and walk out, he wondered what she was going to do but he just sat on her bed patiently waiting for his girlfriend to return. After waiting a bit el came back with his clothes on (she found them more comfortable) mike smiled to himself as he opened his arms for her to come lay down with him.
" come lay with me my love" mike says with a tired voice.
" okay" el climbs over him so she can be by the wall, and lays her head on his chest.
Mike looks down and smiles kissing her four head as they both drift asleep.

Omg this sucks ew. Well anyway leave comments and tell me what you want more of! Love you all!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2020 ⏰

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