Shadowia - Weddings, Birthdays, and Funerals

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Weddings -

Shadowian weddings are for those who are 16 years of age and older. However, if you are of royalty or any higher nobility status, age doesn't matter when it comes to marriage. Due to, with age reasoning, both partners have to have a full, written consent about their love towards each other to prevent non-consensual marriage, and they can't be any older than 5 years apart.

The groom will dress in his most formal attire, but only ones he had owned previously before the wedding to represent their memory together up to this moment. He will then hand-stitch swirled patterns onto his clothing, as well as adding tattoos to his skin around his neck, hands, and face. They will match his spouse's eye colour, but will glow only during the night due to ink complications. Directly underneath his eyes, gemstones will be stuck to his skin for the wedding day. They are usually whatever the spouse chooses as favourite. 

The bride will dress in her most formal attire, however she has to make it herself by hand to show dedication that she truly wants this. Unlike the groom, she would have to hand-stitch diamond patterns onto her clothing. She will also add tattoos around her neck, hands, and face. Similarly to the groom, they will make her spouse's eye colour, but will glow during the day due to ink complications. Directly above her eyes, slightly above her eyebrows, gemstones will be stuck to her skin for the wedding, and are usually the spouse's favourite.

Any Shadowians that just happen to be both male and female, or have a different gender than their birth sex, will make a combination of what a bride and a groom would do. They will take their most formal attire that was previously owned, and make a second piece of it by hand to add to it, giving it both male and female themes. Instead of swirls or diamonds patterns, flower patterns (usually roses) are stitched onto the sleeves only. The tattoos will also be added to their face, neck, and hands. However, unlike the other two, the colours will be the eyecolour of both partners instead of just one of them, and will glow during the evening. Under and above the eyes there will be gemstones, but also one directly under the lips. Above the eye will be their favourite gemstone, and underneath will be their spouse's. The gemstone underneath the lips is always a Rose Quartz, cut and polished to appear like a petal.

On the wedding day, both partners will usually spend the majority of their mornings taking their most valuable item, and polishing it up to be fit for the wedding. If they don't want to damage their most valuable item due to heirloom reasoning, then they will usually make a ceremonial weapon for their spouse. (ex: a staff that is decorated for the wedding theme, fit with jewels that represent both partners) Then, they will make a jewelry piece for their spouses to wear, signifying they are married. (ex: a necklace made with silver strings and diamond-cut agates) They will spend the majority of their day with their guests, awaiting the ceremony. The Ceremony Master, usually an immortal Noble who is close to the royal family in rank, will begin the wedding ceremony. 

Birthdays -

Shadowian birthdays vary depending on the age range of the person. For those who are from the ages of 0-5, birthdays will solely be focused on keeping the person well fed and entertained, treating them much like royalty. From 6-14 years old, the person is slowly given more and more property, starting from owning more expensive things to owning vehicles and houses around the time they turn 13.

Once the Shadowian becomes 15, they are treated similarly to an adult, despite being classified as a child nonetheless. Similarly to Novans and some human ceremonies, their family, and sometimes their whole village, will host a celebration of them coming to age to start their own family and become a respectable adult. The person will be given the most elegant piece of clothing their parents own, and recreated to fit their child. The Ceremony Master, if in town, will come to bless the person on their way to becoming an adult. All birthdays after that will work similarly to the ones previously.

Once a person has reached the age of 50, they will have a birthday similarly to when they were a toddler. The only difference is that there will be pieces of paper with blessings burned by the birthday person, usually requests of good health throughout their remaining years left.

If more than one person shares the same birthday, whether they be related or not, they will share the gifts in hopes of prosperity to come to their life. The only exception would be for their 15th birthday, solely because they as adults will choose different paths in life.

If the birthday is for someone who is a noble or of the royal family, then they will receive the same treatment from those who live in their estate. However, the people who live on their land with burn blessing papers and celebrate that their ruler has lived a long as prosperous life so far.

Funerals -

Shadowian funerals are different depending on age. Nonetheless, they are always regarding the dead becoming something new. From becoming flowers to fire for the town, they will always become something new.

Children are dismembered and put into a box that is filled with fresh soil. Seeds of flowers that closely resemble family traits will be put in the child's chest to "grow from familial love" as they are buried by the family house. Usually families with several healthy flowers are questioned for bearing a child-murdering curse.

Adults who served their town well or were part of the military are burned in their town's main firepit. It is to ensure their spirits will protect their home long after their death. Therefore, the fire never stops burning. The smell of decay is often washed away through a thorough cleaning of the town with berry-scented soaps.

The elderly are burned in a separate fire, and their ashes are mixed in with a turquoise paste. This is then used to create a protective ward on their family's home, so that they may be protected and have good luck after the person's passing. If the ward is on the front door, it will slowly melt off, showing that they served in the military and their essence is now in the house itself.

Funerals for those who are noble or of the royal family is always the same, regardless of the age. They will have a shrine dedicated to them on the royal property, regardless of how well of a job they did as a leader. People will give the shrines selentine offerings, usually ones home grown in their backyards, to show their thanks for leadership and request that their next ruler will bring the land luck.

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