The park

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Hugo Pov:

I began to walk around the park, as I waited for my adopted parents to come and pick me up since I just came out from school. While doing so I began  to wonder if I still have enough time to go on the swing and kill time as I waited for my parents to arrive. "Wonder if I can play for abit." I mumble to myself as I went over to the swing set and hoped on. Once I did I've notice two guys walking up to me. Strange. "Maybe they wanted to go on the swing set to..?" I mumble for abit as I decided to go back to swinging.

Josh Pov:

I yawn as I hang over to the park with my buddy and noticed some guy at a swing set and minding his own business. I smile mischievously as I nunged over to my old pal Kyle, he then too chuckled as we began to walk over to Hugo direction and mess around with him. "Hey kid." I called over to him as I lean against the pole from the swing set. "Mm..? What is it?" He asked, yet so innocently. "How about you hop off and let me and my pal give it a go?" I reply with a bitterness tone. "What why? I've just got on here-" he question. I frown as I grabbed onto the swing he's on. "I'm not asking you again, but I suggest you to do what's best for you." Kyle that's over to my side chuckle and pushed Hugo off from the swing. He whimpered in pain as he laid there in shocked. "Awe, is the baby going to cry?" Kyle teased him as he hoped onto the swing. "Buzz off you freak." He reply. I narrowed my eyebrow as I look over to kyle to see what he thought of him being slurred by the kid. "Excuse me?" My pal question in anger. I smile as I stood there in satisfaction on what's about to go down.

Hugo Pov:

I glared over the two who were being jerks for god knows why and got up as I don't appreciate being messed with. "You heard me." I hiss back to the guy who pushed me. He walked over to me as I began to back away in case of being attack or thrown. "Mm. Seems as if your afraid of a little fight I see?" He chuckled.

Kyle Pov:

I smrik as I once again pushed and pin him onto the ground. "Not so strong now are we?" I laugh as I  notice my old pal Josh put his hands into Hugo pockets and pulled out his wallet. "N-No!! Please I need that money for tomorrow!!" He backed fired as I pushed him back down. "I'm afraid it's too late for that." He smirked. "H-Help!!" I covered his mouth as we try to avoid him from making a scene. "Nice job Kyle." Josh sarcastically said as I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "Not my fault he's being a brat."

Hugo pov:

I muffled scream as I try to call out for help. I look over to the two as I began to form tears down my cheeks. I then saw the red head. Josh. Take 40 dollars from me before putting my wallet back into my pocket. "What are we going to do with the money?" The brown headed one said. Kyle. "Perhaps buying something worth buying like a pack of cigs and drinks." He shrugged. "Mm. Alright then." He got off me as I only lay there in trama. "Hey Look who's all frighten up." Kyle chuckled. I then proceeded to get up, only to get stepped down on by one of the guys foot, Kyle. I groan in annoyance as I instinctively grab his foot, not wanting to stay here any longer. "G-Get off..." I gasped as he began to stepped on me quite harshly this time.

Josh Pov:

I roll my eyes as I began to get bored of this situation. "Alright Kyle, that's enough. Let's head back to our place and continue our business, we got what we needed so lets scram. " I yawn as I walked away. "Ugh. Fine." And with that we made our way back to our place, leaving Hugo alone. "Weirdo."

Hugo Pov:

I stood there in shocked and broke into tears as I had enough of what just happen. "H-How could they do such a thing.." I mumble not realizing my parents had arrived. "Hugo..?" I look up to see my father seeing me cry. I backed away in embarrassment and quickly wiped my tears away. "Ah- Hey dad!! I-I didn't expect you to arrive this early..heh" I looked away as I try to make things less awkward. "Did something happen while I was gone?" He question as I shook my head no. "Mm. Well your mother and I are waiting for you at the car. we'll drive over to some place to eat, alright?" He gave a small smile as he helped me get back up. "Sure thing." I smile back as I hugged him and made our way to the car, Greeting my mother while we drove off to a place to eat.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2020 ⏰

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