01| Morag

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Blackness and Stars. That's what space was. Just some distant specks of light, some dark, and the occasional space rock. Usually nothing too special but sometimes it inhabited a full population of creatures.

They grew, learning new methods of survival, fighting for their lives and each other everyday. They found love and peace, but they also found brokenness and war. Every planet had their own faults and every creature had vices. Despite this they were living, somehow out of all the hardships they survived, most of them anyway, and they did it so valiantly.

But that didn't mean that these creatures weren't idiots, because as long as Heather could recall, she hadn't found one species that wasn't filled with a bunch of dumb asses that only saw what they were given. Despite their idiocy Heather sought to help these creatures, given she would get things from it.

Her mission was to stop Thanos and for the first time in months she was actually given something better than units for her help. The location of something Thanos could not live without, an infinity stone known as the Power Stone. Heather had to get her hands on it, and quite possibly the best part about all this, she heard that Gamora was involved. That alone was enough to make her get in her ship and find this stone.

Gamora was... not a friend, but not an enemy. She was more of an opponent if you will, someone who she had met only a few times but only for one reason, Thanos. She was the daughter of Thanos, one of the lucky ones. She was taken from her planet and trained to be a warrior, just like Heather, but there was one difference. Thanos decided to keep her.

Gamora's race was a strong one and Gamora proved to be one of the strongest. Thanos knew her strength before she could even show it. She was his favorite daughter, his best daughter, and that was why Heather didn't get along with the woman. Not to mention she was now a fugitive on the run from Thanos, and what better way to hit him then to destroy his most prized possession.

Heather was on her way to Morag. It was well protected as it was covered by oceans. Once every 3000 years the oceans dried up and the temple was able to be opened. Inside this temple was the stone. As Heather arrived she had seen two ships already there. In the distance she heard a blast and what sounded like shots. She landed her ship (which wasn't actually hers but that wasn't important right now) and looked at the other two ships.

She could do two things... go towards the fighting and do a bunch of work to take the orb that the stone was in, or she could just get into one of the ships and hope that the person who gets it owns the ship she gets into. Obviously she decided on the option easiest and that was to play a little game of fifty fifty.

Upon looking at the two ships she decided to get into the smaller one. It seemed to have a little more character, and she liked giving props to the underdog. She used her mind to open the back latch and she entered the ship. She walked around looking for information on who owned this ship.

She didn't find much but a woman downstairs who was sleeping. She found her way into the front of the ship and she could sense someone coming on board. She hid as she saw them run to the front. She grabbed a pole on the wall and held on tight. She was happy she did because the ship flipped almost completely upside down.

After a few turns and spins the excessive movement finally stopped and Heather wanted to vomit. She walked out of her hiding spot and saw the man walk to another room. She saw the girl with him, but the power stone was no where to be seen. That didn't mean Heather didn't know where it was.

She felt a magical pull coming from the front. She could feel the stones power, it called out to her in a way. Across the ship she began to hear music. It felt... familiar. This was Earth music. This man was familiar with humans. 

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