Prologue- April 18th, 1955

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Albert lay in bed, his notebook next to him. He knew time was going to be up, but he had to think fast about the future of earth. Albert Einstein had been up for countless weeks, trying to work out a solution to an experiment. He looked over to his notebook and wrote in, "I had found a new element, Metodientium. It is a dangerous chemical that could trigger a mass meteor, destroying all our planets. But I had found another element-"

Before he could finish, his hospital pulse then started beeping furiously, but, then it slowled to a dramatic "beep.. beep... beep-..."

Albert Einstein has died.

Heh note from Venus:

Yea yea, I know I know, I'M NOT THE BEST WITH STORIES AND COMPLEX STUFF. So, heh don't bug me. XD

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