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1. Please put this book in your library so you can know all the updates and make sure you don't miss a single thing.

2. Don't have perfect characters, not everyone is perfect ok? So no Gary Sues no Mary Sues just no perfect characters everyone has their faults.

3. Don't fall in love at first sight, ok? Please let Relationships develop because this is arranged and some people are skeptical.

4. Now don't have a character with all the issues either, try to find a perfect balance
between the two.  ok? Password 1 is your favorite season

5. Don't bully one another ok! People will be banned! Now drama between characters is FINE as long as everyone involved understands that.

6. Don't hurt one another's characters without permission from the characters admin along with any admin within this RP but mostly Galaxy-Bunnie

7. Please tell us if you are leaving the RP, it's fine we just need to know so that we can know where to go on storyline wise.

8. Please inform us if you change your username, with as many people as we hope to have in this roleplay things can get confusing fast.

9. 2 Roles per user, preferably from different kingdom and ones that won't end up talking with one another so your not Roleplaying  with yourself. Password 2 is your favorite color

10. When it comes to ghosting someone We can understand if you don't have inspiration for a chain but DONT leave them on scene at least tell them the situation ok?

11. Please ask before you cause a major chain reaction of drama. Everyone loves drama just ask before stuff goes down lol. There is a slight idea on how things on this RP should go.

12. Noooooo smut please please please we know it exists we understand but if your characters uh do get to that point.... please please take it to PMs or just skip it! I beg!

13. Please try to keep cursing to a minimum if you do think your character would curse. Please try to bleep it out like *** or that just so we don't get flagged ya know?

15. Be acceptable when it comes to LGBTQ+ this is a LGBTQ+ friendly zone we won't tolerate any bullying of sorts UNLESS it is between characters and everyone involved PLUS ME gives the a ok.

16. Please remember this is set in more medieval times! So keep that in mind with LGBTQ+ stuff. Along with keeping it in mind when it comes to how your characters are plus what stuff is available such as no electronics, however please just do have fun with it.

17. Lastly have fun! We want this to be a fun experience and have great memories for a while ok! Password 3 tag three people, tag them on this page

 Lastly have fun! We want this to be a fun experience and have great memories for a while ok! Password 3 tag three people, tag them on this page

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