【folder of dreams】

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"so, what movie do you want to watch?"

alex turned to the man.

"what do you mean?"

"well, when i feel like shit i usually watch movies, and you look like you've been through hell today."

alex had to laugh at that, whether it was a compliment or not.

"i don't know, i guess."

"what movie? i've got shrekbee movie, the perks of being a wa-"

"shrek," alex quickly replied.

the other male laughed.

god, alex loved that laugh.

"okay, but we have to watch the second one, it's my absolute favourite movie."

alex laughed.

"you've got to be kidding me."

the man smiled.

"no, it's true, imallenn."

"ugh, don't call me that," alex replied, in a non-threatening tone.

suddenly, the house falls silent, and alex starts to feel uneasy.

"niall?" alex asks, his voice sounding pitiful and frightened.

the platinum blonde doesn't respond, so alex turns to him.

"are- are you okay?"

the boy takes a second after alex speaks, and turns his head to look at his friend.

he's smiling, the sun shining on his face.

his hazel eyes glistening in the sun.

but something's off.

the right side of his face is red.

 blood red.

his skin is pale, and his eyes are slowly starting to close.

as alex looks down at his shirt, which is covered in grass stains and blood, he looks up to see some of niall's front teeth fall out, hitting the sofa.

alex can't tell whether he feels sick or horrified.

he tries to say something, at least a word, but he can't.

he can't help but stare in horror.

"n-niall," he stutters.

his friend stares at him.

"what?" he speaks, but something is wrong.

his voice is completely normal, it's soft and sweet.

he's still smiling.

but his face.

alex opens his mouth, but he can't speak.

his voice is gone and he can't breathe.

niall- no, what's left of niall tilts his head.

"what is it alex? i'm right here."

alex can feel his throat getting tighter despite the fact nothing's holding on to it.

"alex? are you okay?"

"you know i'll always be here to help you, just tell me what's wrong."

"why do you look so scared?"

alex sits up in bed- no, george's bed and sighs.

his back is sweaty and his stomach and head hurt.

it's been about a week since alex went through niall's folder.

for the first few days, he couldn't even get past the first page, just seeing a picture of niall made him feel sick.

and the first time he had looked through the whole folder, he felt even worse.

he finally opened it on wednesday, after he had reassured george he was fine and the man had gone to bed.

when he had started reading it, he hated it.

it felt like an invasion of privacy.

no, it was an invasion of privacy.

he had looked through it for a good ten minutes, carefully looking through every page, every word, and every sentence.

from what alex could tell, niall had a rough childhood that he had never recovered from.

some of katherine's notes about niall were more concerning than others.

"it seems that he has some issues with his parents, his mother, especially. he keeps talking about how she had something mentally wrong with her, his father abused her to the point where she threw herself over the balcony, above the kitchen." after the death of his mother, his father started abusing him."

that last sentence was like a stab in the heart to alex.

he had stopped reading after that entry and went to bed.

only to get up 5 minutes later and start reading again.

it was like an addiction.

he would read part of it, get upset, and read it again.

he would be dead if george found out about it, the blue-eyed man would probably throw it into some cabinet, thinking it was hurting alex locking it in there until he threw it out.

alex sighed, getting out of bed.

every single part of him ached.

he walks out of george's room and into the kitchen were the man is.

"morning," george says with a smile.

one other thing had changed.

george's appearance.

not his online one, no he would be caught dead if he didn't wear his mask on youtube.

but whenever george wasn't recording a video, he had his mask off for some reason.

alex could never figure out why.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2020 ⏰

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