Chapter Four | Man of Few Words

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Chapter Four | Man of Few Words

Lizzie made her may quickly downstairs and followed the other two into what must have been Melissa's living room. The room was a little sunny for her liking but it was a nice room and she was sure that if she weren't so hung-over she'd have appreciated the way the sun lit the yellow walls. The furniture was a simple cream, as was the carpet. Melissa didn't look at all out of place in a room that was so bright. Not like she did in her bedroom.

Once again, Lizzie found her eyes drawn to the boy. She was sure it was this 'Jack', Brett's best friend. However, if Melissa hadn't asked where he was last night she wouldn't have come to this conclusion. The guy wasn't at all like someone she would imagine Brett socialising with, let alone being best friends with. The boy before her was ragged and a little rough at the edges, whereas Brett was clean-cut.

"That must have been some poker game," Lizzie said and then clapped her hand to her mouth. She had been looking at his battered face and then at the grazes on his knuckles. The other two stared at her and then the boy's face cracked and he let out a surprised laugh. "I'm sorry, Kerry told me this Jack person was at a poker game last night and I just assumed that you were... I, oh god..." Lizzie trailed off as the boy turned to look at Melissa, an amused smirk on his face.

He gave Melissa a look and then turned his gaze pointedly to Lizzie. Melissa frowned at him and narrowed her eyes. He repeated his previous movements before Melissa eventually sighed and took a deep breath.

"Lizzie, this is Jack. Jack, this is my friend Lizzie. She works with me," she said.

"Ah," said Jack and looked Lizzie over again, so agonisingly slowly that she began to feel quite uncomfortable. His eyes travelled from the very top of her head, downwards, taking in her hair and face. She could almost feel his gaze travel down the elegant length of her neck to her collar bones and shoulders before moving further down over her chest. His mouth twitched into a grin before he moved onto her waist and then down her long legs to her ankles and feet which were still squeezed into her heels. She had the distinct feeling that he was undressing her with his eyes. "Pleasure," he drawled and she nodded, very aware of the blush that had tainted her cheeks. Her blush seemed to please him.

"So what's with the random visit?" Melissa asked Jack but he acted as if he hadn't heard her and instead of answering her question, he reached into the front left pocket of his jeans and pulled out a packet of chewing gum. He removed a stick and folded it carefully into halves and then in half again before popping it into his mouth. 

"I take it you didn't win last night then?" Melissa asked and Jack shook his head. Lizzie could tell that he was irritating Melissa and she wondered if he always behaved in that manner. Instead of becoming frustrated by his rudeness, Lizzie was fascinated. She wasn't fascinated by his lack of communication but more by the idea of what he would have to say when he did speak properly.

"Shall I go and get our juice?" Lizzie offered. She was starting to feel quite dehydrated.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry. I forgot all about it. Don't worry, I'll go and sort it out," Melissa said and hurried out to the kitchen. Lizzie's eyes roamed around the room and she tapped her foot awkwardly on the floor. She nearly jumped when she accidently looked in Jack's direction and found him sitting in the same position as before, staring right at her. Once again, his hand entered his jean's pocket and he pulled out the pack of gum before holding it out to Lizzie.

"Oh, err, thanks," she said and got up to walk over to where he sat to take a stick. She considered sitting down again beside him rather that returning to where she originally sat but decided against it and went back to her armchair. She placed the still wrapped stick of gum on the arm of the chair beside her. She could feel Jack watching her as she did this and then looked back at him when she heard him expel a quick breath of air. He had been laughing at her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2011 ⏰

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