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Thank you so much for this interview and your valuable time. We appreciate it.

Lets get in, to know more about our author.


1. Please may we know your real name?

My real name is Ankita Ghosh.

Team -

Hello Ankita.

2. What is the first book that made you cry from your reading experience?

Ankita -

The first book that made me cry is available in dreame. Its name mated to the alpha king.

Team -

Woah, this is interesting. Cause no one has ever said the story they have written has made them cry. That is really fantastic. We couldn't imagine how you have written it feeling all the emotions with in you then! Hats off.

3. What is your writing Kryptonite?

Ankita -

My writting kryptonite is my readers who doesn't respond the way I want, that demotivates me.

Team -

Ahh, we understand. But just a suggestion from our side as we have seen many people getting in this shit of depression. So, what is it that, do write for self and don't ever get disheartened due to less number of votes or reads like that, please.

Writing our heart out should be like Self satisfaction of our inner conscience stating the fact that we were able to pen it down unlike people who doesn't find it that easy to write their heart out.

We are sorry if it offended you. We just stated how it is to be like.

4. Have you ever gotten writer's block? If so, how did you overcome it?

Ankita -

Yes, I have faced writers block not once but many times. And even ever I'm struck I talk with my friends and just like any other story I discus my story with them and obviously listen to music that surely helps.

Team -

Wow, thats really a cool way to remove writers block.

5. Do you always try more to be original or, try to deliver to your readers what they actually want?

Ankita -

I try to be original mostly with a little bit my readers demand.

Team -

Thats really good to be original as everyone prefer reading fresh content always.

6. Any authors you are friends with? If yes, do they help you to be a better writer in any way?

Ankita -

Yes i have a lots of writer friends I can't tag them all because they are a lot. And yes they do help me.

Team -

Aww, you are one lucky writer to have lots of friends. Treasure them throughout.

7. Do you want your every book to stand on its own, or are you trying to build a body of work with connections between each book, meaning going on with sequels?

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