Chapter 1

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Ichika Suzuki stood at the front stairs of their new home, her temporary home, as her father talked to the movers behind her. She gripped her duffle bag tighter that was pulling on her left hand and made her way inside, slipping her shoes off and into her house shoes before weaving her way through the furniture scattered around the front hallway. Sighing she made her way up the stairs her feet felt heavy to the point where she tripped on the top stair, catching herself before she face planted. Ichika grumbled under her breath before she opened the door to her room and dropped her bag down at the end of the bed. Falling face first onto the unmade mattress, she made herself comfortable. The noise of the movers prevented her from falling into a deep sleep, but she managed to doze off for a while.

As the last of the movers left, her father thanked them and locked the door before heading straight into his office, not paying any attention to his daughter. The sudden slam of the door jolted Ichika out of her light sleep, groaning as she rubbed her face trying to get the sleep out of her eyes before heading downstairs to find something to eat. She was surprised when she walked downstairs, everything was moved in, how long was she asleep for? Shrugging that thought off she continued to the kitchen and hoped that her father was smart enough to have bought some food before shutting himself away for the night. When she opened the fridge she came to realize that her father was not smart, but completly stupid, there was not one peice of food in the fridge.

Ichika sighed as she shut the door and rubbed her fingers against her temple. Looking at her phone she found that it was only 8 pm, and unless things had changed the convenience store was still open. Not wanting to disturb her father Ichika messaged him, saying that she took some money from his wallet to go and buy some food. She took a little extra from her fathers' wallet just in case the prices at the convenience store had gone up in the time she had been away. Slipping off her house shoes and into her outside shoes she stopped to check her phone, her father had read the message but never responded.

"Huf, typical." She mumbled under her breath before grabbing her keys and heading out the door.

The walk to the store was quiet, the warm breeze brushing against her arms, she forgot how peaceful this neighbourhood was at night, after everyone had gone to sleep. It brought back good memories of Kageyama and herself playing when they were around 5. Those were the good times, where she could watch her friend practice volleyball, see how amazing he had gotten from such a short age.

Ichika was looking forward to seeing him again, so much so that she was tempted to go by his house and see if he was still up. If nothing had changed then it wouldn't surprise her to see Kageyama outside practicing volleyball, even the night before the first day of highschool. However, as she came onto the convenience store she realized that by the time she walked to his house and then back to her own, it would be way too late.

So Ichika settled on grabbing some food for the night and for lunch tomorrow, making a note that she would need to ask her father to go and grab some groceries. If he actually did would be something else, knowing her father she would have to make the trip herself, which would be a pain, but she was used to it by now.

Ichika was thankful that the convenience store looked exactly the same from her childhood, the only difference was the blonde hair man sitting behind the counter smoking. She paid no mind to the fact he was smoking as she wandered through the aisles, taking stock of what they had before picking out what she could afford. Settling on a large box of sushi that was on sale for dinner and a pre made bento box for lunch tomorrow she made her way to the counter to pay. When she was done paying for her food she thanked him and went on her way.

As Ichika started her walk back she couldn't help but think back to the promise he made before she left. She found herself thinking about him more often than not, especially as of late. Maybe it was because she was anxious to see Kageyama again, would he be the same or would he have changed so much she wouldn't even know him anymore. The fact that Ichika never reached out to him to tell him that she was coming back made her more nervous, but she hoped that everything would be okay. He promised that he was going to be the absolute best volleyball player ever. That whenever she came back to Japan she would be able to see him play in the big leagues and with that thought a smile crept onto her face; she hoped that she would see her friend soon.

Kageyama xOC story (slow burn, lemon, smut)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant