chapter 3

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Saturday came around faster than Ichika expected and she was actually nervous. She wanted to stop by Kageyama's house before leaving but didn't want to risk being late or that he had already left. Instead, Ichika packed a small lunch and packed some homework along with her sketchbook in her backpack. Ichika took a deep breath, she tried to calm herself down, the key word being tried. Switching her shoes out and grabbing her school jacket to go with her uniform, it would take a while for her to get used to wearing a uniform again, especially on the weekends. For an odd reason she felt the need to dress up, but she really didn't have a choice other than to wear her uniform.

Ichika took one final deep breath before leaving and locking up the house, hoping that by the time she got to the school she would be calm. It was an uneventful walk, which allowed her to sit in her thoughts. Her anxiety crept back as she made it to the school grounds. However, all that disappeared when she noticed Kageyama and the short red haired kid were arguing with two more boys. The first one she noticed was a blonde hair boy that was even taller than Kageyama, the second kid seemed to have dark green hair but she couldn't be sure from this far away. She decided to keep walking and soon caught up with Kageyama.

"Tobi-kun!" She called, trying to grab his attention before he headed into the gym.

All four boys turned in her direction and she stopped cold, a blush crept on her face, which seemed to be a common occurrence around Kageyama. When Kageyama saw Ichika he smiled, which seemed to surprise the boys around him. He jogged towards Ichika, leaving the others to stand, baffled. She noticed that he was already in his gym uniform, or what she assumed was his gym uniform.

He surprised Ichika and gathered her up in a hug, which made her face burn even brighter. Ichika couldn't help but take in the smell of Kageyama, it was an odd smell. Almost like a mixture of white flower and the medical essential oils that a person would be able to find at a health food store. It was a pleasant smell to her nose, she didn't mind it at all.

"I'm glad you could make it Ichika, you can see me kick these kids ass." He said, his face stoic, which sent a shiver down her spine.

"Are you cold?" Oh god, he noticed her shiver.

"No, I'm fine." She said, and waved her hands blushing.

"Only if you're sure." He said and walked with her towards the gym.

"Kageyama, wh-who is that? Do you have a girlfriend? Oh my god, am I meeting the King's girlfriend?" The redheaded boy sputtered out, starting to bow over and over.

"I'm surprised you managed to find someone who would date you, Kageyama." The blond hair boy sneered.

"S-she's not my girlfriend." He said, still stoic and walked inside the gym.

"Ummm... hi. My name is Suzuki Ichika." She waved her hand as she tried to break the weird energy surrounding them.

The blond hair boy just huffed at the small brown haired girl and entered the gym, causing the green haired boy to follow. This left the redheaded boy and Ichika outside, she could see that the boy was starting to go red in the face. She attempted to speak but before she could even open her mouth the boy ran into the gym and almost knocked Kagyeama over in the process. He was so flustered from earlier events that he almost lost all composure when he noticed another girl inside the gym.

Ichika knew that she was supposed to go inside the gym, but couldn't seem to step inside. Nerves wracked her as she saw the team inside getting set up. Thoughts of if she was even allowed to be here, or if she was just going to be a nuisance. She thought about leaving, but at the same time she knew that if she left she would make Kageyama upset, and that was something she didn't want to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2020 ⏰

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Kageyama xOC story (slow burn, lemon, smut)Where stories live. Discover now