Sara : morning
Riley : did she try anything this morning
Tegan : i was up before her so no
Sara : got luckey

The teachers start taking and we have to find our school flag and we get given a map and we have to get in pairs .

Daniel : me and u
Tegan : sure
Mr keem : no funny bussiness
Tegan ; won't be happening
Mr keem : ok go

Me and daniel walk off

Tegan ; it says to go this way
Daniel ;I'll leave this to u i cannot read maps
Tegan : ok
Daniel ; mr keem certainly didn't embarrassing us in front of everyone
Tegan : he does that
Daniel : how do u know has it happend to u before
Tegan : no but last year we went on ski trip sara was making out with this guy mr keep caught them the next day . He shouted in front of everyone sara and will i hope i will not see any funny bussiness happening today
Daniel : oh god
Tegan : yh
Daniel ; he seemed alright untill a minute ago
Tegan : hes funny
Daniel : no he's mean
Tegan ; ok
Daniel ; so whats the whole point in this camping trip
Tegan : its meant to be fun little get away before we start getting ready for exams .
Daniel ; ah ok
Tegan ; but my perfect get away would be somewhere warm in a nice place with alcohol
Daniel : i like the sound of that aswell better then sleeping on the floor frezzing
Tegan : but i do like camping aswell
Daniel ; not really done camping

My phone then starts ringing

Tegan : gotta take this
Daniel ; take it

I answer

Tegan : ello
Mom : hello
Tegan ; its late there u should be asleep
Mom ; ok mom
Tegan : just saying
Mom ; just finshed a shift thought I'd call before i go to sleep
Tegan : ok
Mom : so what u doing
Tegan : its the camping trip
Mom : oh god yh forgot about that do u want me to go
Tegan ; no
Mom ; ok
Tegan : so me and dad saw lena the other day and her doctors said she'll be able to come home soon
Mom : that's good i want u to take good care of her
Tegan : trust me apart from school i will not be leaving her side
Mom ; good
Tegan ; also Lena said once i graduate shes gonna move to ausstrila with me said she wants to get away from here .
Mom ; yay I'll have my daughters back
Tegan : probley won't be saying that once were back cause when i get there I'll be 18 then i can drink and i do plan on coming home rolling drunk a lot .
Mom : so should i be making the most of the peace i have
Tegan : yh
Mom : great
Tegan ; u love me so you'll deal with me
Mom : yh i will

We talk for ages catching up and everything and daniel phone rings

Tegan : sorry
Daniel : its ok
Tegan ; wait i think were meant to go this way
Daniel : u sure
Tegan : yh
Daniel ; ok cause i don't feel like getting lost
Tegan ; we won't
Daniel : i still can't get over that prank yeserday
Tegan : that was just so funny
Daniel : u and Riley are good actors
Tegan : i love acting why i wanna be an actor
Daniel : yh but i can't over how high they jumper
Tegan : i know thanks for being apart of it
Daniel ; i love making people jump
Tegan ; if singing doesn't work u should into the bussnies of making people jump
Daniel : is that even a thing
Tegan : anything is a thing theses day
Dnaiel : true but i intend of things working for my music
Tegan ; they will belive in yourself and it will happen within time don't ever give up
Daniel : i won't
Tegan : the flag
Daniel : what
Tegan : there
Daniel : yes

We run over to the flag getting it and we start heading back

Daniel : before we head back i feel like we should have some fun
Tegan : out here
Daniel ; doesn't have to be that but we can do this

He leans his forhead agnist mine and kisses me and i kiss him back putting my hand on his jaw and he swips his tonge against my lips and i open up and we fight for denomination and he wins . And he sits on tree log pulling me on his lap and we make out for a while

Tegan : we should head back
Daniel : not yet

He kisses my neck

Tegan : yes

He ignores me and carrys on kissing my neck

Tegan : daniel
Daniel : fine

I get off him and he gets up and we head back to camp and we wait around for ages waiting for everyone else to get back and once we did we ate

Riley : bitchs I'm tired i wanna sleep
Sara ; don't be boring we go back tomrrow
Riley : but I'm tired
Tegan : no

I get grabbing her arms making her dance with me and sara joins in 

James ; whats happening here
Tegan ; what does it look like
James ; u look like headless chickens dancing

We all start laughing

Riley : shut up we aren't all dancers like u
Sara : yh
James ; well u all need help so one I'll teach u to dance
Tegan : good luck with that
Sara : yh we aren't dancers
James : still gonna teach u all
Riley : thanks
Daniel ; hey
James : i still hate u after yesterday
Daniel ; sorry
Sara : could of killed us
Daniel ; your here aren't u
Sara ; i don't know maybe i died last night I'm dreaming
James : yh
Riley : shut up u guys enjoy talking I'm sleeping
Sara ; u boring
James ; night
Riley : night

They kiss and she walks off

Sara ; disgusting
James : shut up your getting action
Sara : not
Daniel : why do i see a hickey then
Sara : why do u 2 have hickeys aswell then
Tegan : shut up
Sara ; exsacly
James : why u so secretive
Sara ; I'm not now whag Riley said sounds good sleep
Tegan : I'll join
Daniel : night
Tegan : night

He kisses my cheek and he walks off and me and sara get a few things frok the tent and we go to the bathroom and i go to the stall getting in my pjs and walking brushing my hair and teeth and me and sara head back to the tent

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