【39】Old Lies

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Orfeo ed Euridice, Wq

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Orfeo ed Euridice, Wq. 30 - Arranged Sgambati Act 2 - Melodie dell'Orfeo, by Christoph Willibald Gluck

From the opened window of his study, Aiden waited for the girls to pass by again

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From the opened window of his study, Aiden waited for the girls to pass by again.

Turning around, he glared at the paperwork on his desk, reluctant to get back to it. His meetings in the morning had been an arduous enterprise, rendered laborious by his distracted mind and lack of sleep. Especially since this sunny day of late July was particularly hot.

Ever since the twin's story, he hadn't been able to rest his overthinking mind. The answers he sought were still out of his reach, but he would get them soon. When he'd come back about an hour ago, a footman had informed him that Appleton was out on an errand. Aiden had given orders, instructing that the butler must be sent to him as soon as he returned.

Maybe after a talk with him, Aiden would receive some valuable answers. Then, he'd determine if it was worth asking for more details to Amalia.

Aiden heard talking and focused again on the view out of his window. The twins were being taught to ride their ponies by the stable staff. Like the rest of the household, they were under their charms. Two stable boys were guiding the ponies by their bridle while the girls sat there with their small hands clutching their horses' manes. Mrs. Pots was anxiously following, making sure they were fine and didn't risk any danger.

From where he stood, he could hear some bribes of conversations, and he understood the twins were arguing to know which one had the fastest horse. Maeve discreetly tried to spur her pony, still named Apple Pie, but the animal barely felt a thing and didn't take notice. The little girl pouted, appearing helpless.

As they passed near his window, the twins turned to Aiden and waved at him with enormous smiles on their faces, half-hidden by their hats.

"Don't let go of the mane girls!" the nanny insisted. "You will fall!"

It was now the third time they passed by his window, and the third time Aiden was standing here to watch them. The day was splendid, and he hated being stuck in his office like this, waiting for Appleton to come back. Since there was no saying how much longer it would take, he decided he might still enjoy the sun and the warm temperatures.

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