live shows week 7

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Heya sorry for the wait....
Anyways enough rambling here's the next Chapter and because you had to wait I made it extra long
Enjoy xx

Betsy pov

I woke up finally feeling better, Charlie was already awake and smiled down at me before giving me a sweet kiss. We both got up and ready before heading downstairs for breakfast. Fleur and Ben were already sitting at the table eating bacon sandwiches when we arrived. We made our own and sat next to them.  "Hey guys, excited for this week? " Charlie asked, fleur nodded.

Ben said"yeah mate, what about you guys?" Charlie then explained that we'd organised the whole arrangement ourselves.

Fleur asked" so where's Parisa and Mikey"

"They were still asleep in each others arms when I saw  them earlier" I explained ben and fleur smiled.

"You guys are all soo cute and cheeky" said fleur and as if on cue Parisa ran into the room out of breath and giggling uncontrollably.

"Wassup P?" Asked Charlie as we all looked at her curiously. She looked back at the doorway before explaining what she had down, Mikey quietly slipped in and sat next to Ben, smiling at his happy girlfriend.

"So after you two left, Mikey and I got ready. I went to go and see if Lauren was awake and she wasn't so umm..."she started laughing so hard.

"C'mon P, tell us" said Charlie desperately, I shook my head at his enthusiasm

"I painted her face like kung fu panda with the paint that only comes off with my wipes" she burst into giggles again, the rest of us joined ien. "She's going to kill you" I joked.

"Parisa tarjomani" screamed Lauren from upstairs, which caused everyone to burst out laughing again as Lauren ran into the kitchen chasing P round the table and P being the klutz she is tripped over one of the chairs and fell on the floor. Lauren started to tickle her until Parisa was crying with laughter "ok, ok the wipes are in mine and betsy's bathroom" she said.

Lauren bolted to the bathroom and Mikey helped P up who then jumped on his back.

"See, cute but cheeky" chuckled fleur just as we were called to ths taxis.

Friday night
Charlie pov

Betsy,  Parisa, Mikey, Ben, Fleur and I were all in the gaming room watching chatting with the music channel on, I was sat on the smaller sofa with my arm round Betsy.  Ben sat next to Mikey who had his arm round Parisa and Fleur next to her on the larger sofa.

P's phone began to ring we all sat quietly as we looked at the caller ID.  "It's only zahara, I'll call her back later" said P and turned her phone off.

Shortly after my phone rang, it was zahara "P, your sister is calling me now. Should I pick up?" I asksd, Parisa's eyebrows creased as she frowned.

"Up to you" she said, Ben, fleur and Mikey were exchanging confused glances, Parisa carried on frowning and Betsy was motioning me to take the call.

Phone call*

Hey zahara-c
Sniffles* h..h.hi Charlie-z

What's the matter?-c

Our mum is really ill again, the doctors said she will be lucky to make the end of the year-z

Oh'm so sorry...should I tell her?-c

I.i.if you could try and break it gently, mum's coming to see her perform tomorrow, she wants to spend every second with her family....thanks charlie, bye good luck for tomorrow-z

Bye zahara-c
End of phone call*

"Parisa" I said unsure of what to say, Betsy grabbed my hand as she heard the whole call. Parisa looked at me clearly confused.

"Yeah, what was that about?" Asked P, Mikey looked at me and I gave him the sign,  he looked down at P lovingly then held her hand. Fleur held her other one sensing something bad, ben remained quiet also sensing the vibe.

"P, your mum's really ill, the doctors said they would be surprised if she lasts the year" P still looked confused, Fleur gasped, ben looked shocked, Betsy squeezed my hand and Mikey squeezed P's. "She is coming to see you perform tonight as she wants to spend as much time as possible with her family" I explained, finally the penny dropped.

"Mum is going to die before 2015?" Whispered Parisa. I nodded. Everyone in the room stayed quiet as Parisa sobbed into Mikey's shirt, he held her as she cried. Everyone's eye's were wet with tears. P who is like my sister, the most cute, positivve, cheeky person was crying her heart out.

Betsy came over and touched her shoulder, she knelt before P holding both her hands.

"Sshh" Betsy soothed wiping the tears off of Parisa's tear stained cheeks. "Your stronger than this, Parisa. Your mum would never want you to be like this, EVER. Even if your mum wasn't here she would want her positive, beautiful and down right cheeky daughter to be strong and carry on pursuing the music dream, she wants to look down from heaven and say to every other angel 'that's my daughter, her band are the best' and you know it. So dry those tears and be strong because your the best of us P, your the one who puts a smile on everyone elses face" bets finished, P gave her a huge smile and hug before saying thanks.

After all the drama we decided to go to bed, I put my arms around Betsy we said goodnight to Mikey who had an already fast asleep Parisa In his arms. I kissed bets "night you little superstar" she chuckled at my comment "night Charles".

Mikey pov

Parisa was gone from my arms when I woke up this morning. I immediately sat up and saw Charlie and Betsy just waking up. "Hey, you seen P?" I asked.

"No"said Betsy, we all got ready quickly and went downstairs. In the gaming room ben, fleur and lauren were chatting. We burst in and they looked up looking slightly alarmed. "Have you seen Parisa?" Charlie asked.

"Yeah she's in the kitchen" Ben replied. We all ran to the kitchen with fleur, ben and lauren following.  Parisa looked up from the table and smiled.

"Hey,  breakfast is ready" she spoke lightly.  I wrapped my arms around her and caught her in a hug.

"You scared us, we thought we'd lost you" I said as we pulled away and sat at the table.

"Sorry I woke up early and couldn't sleep so I made breakfast" she laughed lightly. Betsy looked at me confused we both thought she'd be more upset then charlie said "why aren't you upset?" I mentally face palmed, nice one C!

"Well I listened to Betsy, mum wouldn't want me to be upset. I'm going to make the best of every minute of life" she replied. I kissed her cheek and we ate breakfast.  Shortly, we went into the taxis for the live shows.

After performance
Parisa pov

"That was so much fun" I exclaimed, Mikey laughed grabbing me into a hug before we joined Charlie and Betsy.

"Our vocals were flat at the end but we just had a great time" said Charlie me and betsy just rolled our eyes. We all waited for everyone to finish before going on stage to find out who was going home.

"The act with the fewest votes and leaving the competition is......Only the young" said dermot. I felt like my heart broke all over again. I tried not to cry but it failed desperately.  I hugged Betsy and we cried together as they showed us our best bits.

Tommorow we say goodbye to our friends in the xfactor house.....

Sorry to end on a down but y'know it will get better
Comment any ideas
Until next time xx
(I am updating my charisa story tomorrow) xx

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