Meeting the Hype House

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Today mommy and daddy are taking me somewhere, I'm not sure where but I'm excited.
You: Mommy, where are we going?
Mommy was making me hair right now, she was putting it into a high pony tail.
Nessa: We are going to meet some of mommy's friends.
She kisses my cheek as I giggled.
She finished my hair and put on my shoes, she picked me up, placing me on the side of her hip. She walked out of my room, walking down the stairs into the kitchen. She sets me down into my high chair, I feel someone kiss the side of my head.
Josh: Hey princess, you're looking really pretty today!
You: Thank you daddy!
I giggled.
Griffin: Morning y'all!
You: Mworning uncle Gwiffin!
Griffin: Morning Danielle!
He came and kissed my cheek.
Mommy came and gave me my strawberries and mango.
You: Thank you mommy!
Nessa: You're welcome baby.
I smiled and ate my breakfast.


Jaden: Okay, here's your sippy cup, your mom told me to give this too you.
Jaden handed me my sippy cup.
You: Thank you!
I sipped my sippy cup.
Everyone got into the car and daddy started driving somewhere. We pulled up to this big house, I looked at it in shock.
Griffin: Looks like someone likes this house.
You: It's so big doe!!
I giggled.
Someone then opens my dolt.
Anthony: Come on princess.
I nodded my head.
Anthony came and picked me up, Blake knocked on the door and someone opened it.
??: Awh! She's adorable!
I giggled.
We all went inside and there were people sitting down.
You: Daddy!
I did grabby hands to daddy.
Anthony kissed my cheek lightly and passed me to my daddy. I wrap my arms around his neck, wresting my head onto his collarbone area.
Nessa: Baby, meet mommy's friends!
Mommy started introducing everyone to me.
You: Hewwo!
I waved to everyone.
Charli: I'm gonna come steal her!
Dixie: Me too!
They all laughed and Charli came and took me from
Daddy. She put my on her waist and carried me to the kitchen, she placed me down onto the counter.
Dixie: Hey baby!
You: Hewwo awntie dwixie!
I waved at her.
You: Hewwo awntie chwarli!
I waved at her too.
Charli: Hey Pretty girl.
I giggled at the name she gave me.
The rest off the day went by, and I had played with everyone and had a good time.
I was sitting on Addison lap.
Addison: Baby, can I make a Tiktok?
You: What's that?
Addison: An app where I make videos & earn money.
She smiled.
You: Otay! Sure!
She smiled and got her phone out.
She started recording and I was giggling the whole entire time. She introduced me and everything.
Nessa: Baby! It's time to go!
Addison: Aw, make sure to come back!
You: Otay!
I giggled.
Addison gave me a soft peck on the cheek and handed me over to mommy.
She took me and put me on the side of her hip, we all said bye to everyone and we all went into the car. We drove home and mommy & daddy went to tuck me
Into bed straight away. Soon I fell asleep.

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y'all have been begging for updates, and yes I will try and update at least once a week or twice if possible :)

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