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"An electron is a stable negatively charged component of an atom. Electrons exist outside of and surrounding the atom nucleus. Each electron carries one unit of negative-"


The loud sound of something exploding cut him off as he was teaching his class something about electrons. The silence that followed was almost deafening. Wide-eyed, Jai stared at the door in shock. 'They couldn't have...'

He stalked towards the door of his classroom and yanked the door open before running towards where he heard the explosion, leaving his stunned class behind. If that explosion meant what he thought it was...

Soon enough, green smoke became noticeable on the ground and that could only mean one thing which made him very angry. He immediately halted and took a few steps backwards to avoid the smoke.

"Stupid fucking cunts!"

Of course they had to mess around with his experiments and research! It was suppose to be top secret, a mission send by an emperor. The material that was carefully being experimented on was very fragile and it had never been heard of. Who knows what damage it could do!

One thing was for sure. He was not going anywhere near that green smoke.


A loud growl echoed through the halls. The shuffling of feet behind him paused immediately. Alarm bells in his head went off like crazy. What in God's name did those idiots do to his research object!

Seconds later, a very loud scream was heard, paired with the sound of the ripping of flesh. How he knew the sound was of ripped flesh, he didn't exactly know. Maybe it was cause of the scream or maybe because he watched too many horror movies.

He walked backwards silently, pushing through the crowd of students and teachers, fearing for his life. He had to flee! Now! This was not good, not good at all. Luckily the crowd still seemed to be in shock to what was happening. He had to get to his office, gather his stuff, copy some files and escape!

As soon as he closed the office door behind him, he jumped at all the sudden screams coming from the hallway. What in the world is happening over there?!

'Focus Jai! Focus! The computer. Get the research files.'

His hand shook incredibly in fear as he tried to plug in the USB-stick and his eyes darted towards the door every few seconds as if something could be there for him any second.

'Calm Jai. Breath in... breath out.. breath i-'


A bloody hand fell down upon his office window towards the hallway. The sound had him almost jump 2 feet in the air and his panic rose incredible.

'This is not good.. I need to get out of here! Now!'

He grabbed his USB-stick and his suitcase and leaped to the door. For a second he was reluctant to open the door, fearing what he might see. But he knew he had to be tough right now. This was a matter of life or death.

Upon opening the door, he was met with what he only could describe as a slaughterhouse. There was blood, organs and corpses everywhere.

'What in the world..'

Whatever could've done this surely wasn't human. It wouldn't be wise to go through the main exit and get the same fate as these students and teachers. He needed another way out. But how?

'Air vents!'

He remembered one being located in the corner in his classroom. Silently, he sneaked towards the classroom, careful not to let his eyes wonder to the corpses around. The stench of broken flesh and blood was already hard to process without puking.

Unfortunately for him, not keeping an eye out for the corpses was a very bad idea as his ankle got grabbed when he went to step over a corpse.

He fell down immediately, being unable to maintain his balance. A weak growl was heard from the one who grabbed him and no time was wasted before it lunged at him.

Jai's fight or flight instinct kicked in and with his other foot he kicked and kicked until he was let go. However, hearing more growls around him, he sprinted towards his classroom with tears streaming down his face.

A clear picture of what it looked like was stuck in his head. It was missing at least half of it's organs and the eyes didn't look like they had anything but hunger in them. Like they were craving something.

Half traumatized, Jai reached his classroom and with speed he never knew he had he opened the door and closed it behind him. With his back against the door he took a moment to pause and control his breathing.

As he thought, there was an opening to the air vent in the corner on the roof. He moved a desk towards it and stood on top of it, reaching for the steel frame.

'Come on.. open up!'

Despite it being a bit rusty, Jai managed to get the steel frame off and laid it down aside softly. With his suitcase and all he began his journey to venture to the outside world through the vents.

He never imagined to find the outside world in such chaos though.

With only limited materials.. and only half of his backup research as well as limited knowledge.. how will he be able to save the world?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2020 ⏰

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