The Happiest Person :)

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A king had an only daughter that he thought the world of but the princess seems to be unhappy. she would spend alot of time in her room iying in her bed.

" What on earth do you want my dear" asked the King 

"I don't know father" replied the princess

"There must be something that you want my dear"

" I don't even know myself, father " said the princess with sorrow in her face.

The King tried every thing to cheer her up but every thing was useless, and day by day she was becoming more and more sad.the king issued a decree,that he need the most happiest person in the world who could her his daughter to become normal.The king sent ambassadors to all parts of the world in search for the most happiest person in the world.The ambassadors searched each and every part of the world but couldn't find the most happiest person.

One of his ambassador went to a small country, while he was riding his hourse he heard a girl singing a song. she was reapting the same line again and again. the voice led him to a vineyard, he found a girl same age of the princess singing a song and pruning the vines.

"whoever sings a song like this is bound to be the happiest person. Well, i am sent by the king to search the most happiest person in the world for his princess to get well again and i think you can help her out" he continued "If you will come with me the king will give you whatever you want.This is a golden chance for you". said the man.

"Much obliged, but i wouldn't even concidered it. I am much satisfied with my life" said the girl.

"listen, young girl. If you want nothing thats fine but king wants you for his daughter".

"If i am suppose to be the only girl who could help her out then fine".

The ambassador took her to the king and told him all the conversation with the girl.The king became happy and took her to the princess room.

"So you are the most happiest person in the world".

"princess tell me your problem, maybe i can help you". said the girl.

"I din't even know my self". replied the princess.

"I think i have the solution".

" tell me, whats the solution, i want to know." said the princess.

"Princess, we all are here not to stay in one place, we are here to discover our self . we are here to find out our hidden ability" said the girl.

"so you think that i also have a hidden ability which i have to find out" replied the princess.

"Yes, your majesty".

"but how can i find it". said the princess.

" you can only find out your hidden ability by staying in a peace and quite place".

The princess went to a far place every morning and focus on her hidden ability. The princess was becoming healthy and normal like she was early. she started to spend alot of time with her family. 

"I figure it out ". said the princess one day . 

" the hidden ability that i was searching is art. I can paint and draw more better then others and YES, i did it". said the princess.

The king sent mans to took the girl for her reward. they searched but couldn't find her.

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