{ R u l e s }

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• No OCs! I wanna start out by saying that so I don't lead people on. I don't wanna hear complaining, there are plenty of stories that allow your OCs. I'm not saying I dislike OCs, I have many of my own, this just isn't the RP for you if you can't play a canon character.

• If you want your character to be shipped with another person's, then PM that user and ask them. If they agree, then PM me and let me know so I can add them to the list.

• Smut is allowed, but in PMs ONLY. I don't want my book to get taken down, so kindly take that stuff somewhere else. Otherwise, just skip over it and imply that it happened, thanks!

• Don't hate on the user for their character being a jerk. For example, if Bakugou is being mean to Deku, then just accept it as them playing the character! It happens all the time in the show, and I don't wanna hear complaints or agruements.

• Speaking of how people play the character, don't change your character too much. I'll allow small changes, but no changing key aspects to who they are, got it? Kaminari is no genius, Katsuki isn't a soft boi, that's how it is.

• Also, swearing is allowed, but please, please, PLEASE censor it. No excuses. Also words like k*ll and m*rder, 'cause Wattpad doesn't like 'em.

• Please have good grammar, and roleplay in the third person. I know it can be difficult to do this while keeping up with the group roleplay, but at least three sentences in every reply. That's fair, right?

• Speaking of keeping up with roleplays, I have a system to make this easier. When you start a roleplay on one of the prompts, provide a list of who you would like in the roleplay and in what order they should reply. If someone doesn't reply when. It's their turn within 3 days, let me know and simply continue the roleplay without them. I'll try and contact them for you to see what's up.

• Please be active for at least one hour a day to be in this roleplay. If you aren't active in it for a week, you will be removed and your character will be up for grabs again.

• Just....no rape or noncon. No.

• No suicide, cutting, or mentions of this or rape. Also, no threatening anyone outside of the roleplay.

• If another user is making you uncomfortable or making you feel threatened, please let me know so I can look into the situation.

• Have fun!!!

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