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I decided to jump in the shower got dressed and headed downstairs, when I got into the kitchen Lauren Ella and Katie are in there smirking at me "what?"

"Oh jesse" Katie mimicked me

"oh shit you wernt asleep" I face palmed myself

"haha I don't think anyone in the neighbour hood was" she said laughing

"we wernt that loud!" I started to blush

"So how was it?" Lauren asked

"amazing!! He text me this morning saying he wants to take me out tomorrow night!" I was fully red now

"That's sweet but I'm sure your supposed to date then have sex" Ella giggled which made us all laugh

"yeah I know but when he's say infront of you and kisses you you wouldn't say no!" I shrugged my shoulders

"That's true" they all agreed. I had got a text from dean to see if I'm free today so after work I met up with him at the pub "hey"

"hey kenny" he said as he gave me a hug

"how are you?"

"Yeah not too bad, I heard about you and jess" he winked at me

"really? How did you find out?" I had only told the girls because they heard us, Jesse must have told him

"Koby told me" I literally wanted to face palm yet again today

"hang on so if koby told you, who told koby?"

"Kens everyone round here will know by later tonight, that's what this place is like!" He laughed and pulled me in for a side hug

"Oh fuck sake" I threw my head in my hands which made dean laugh at me

"don't worry everyone's behind you two getting together"

"oh yeah including amy" we both laughed at that "for sure she's your number one fan" we got some drinks in and dean persuaded me to do some shots with him, it didn't take much persuading though, we we're on our second shot and 4th drink when Koby, Lauren, Jake, Ella, Charlotte, Katie, Matt, Mozy, Nathan and Scotty walked in and joined us, we all got chatting and they all loved to chat about me and jesse went me and the girls decided to go out for a fag, when we came back in jesse was sat with the lads, oh great this isn't awkward!

We all sat down and luckily I was sat at opposite ends of the table and rather than making a big thing about us I just smiled at him, we all got chatting and drinking again when Frog walked over to us he put his hands on my shoulders "well Kensie did you forget to tell me something today?"

i look up at him "what you on about?"

"You never told me about jesse spending the night at yours" everyone started laughing apart from me and Jess we we're bright red!

"Because there's nothing to tell" I replied

"that's not what I heard, I heard he made you scream all sorts"

"dear god please stop!" Even I laughed a little bit

"oh come on everyone's been waiting for you two to get together, especially deb" jesse didn't know where to look

"yeah well she's been single the whole time we've been waiting on this idiot" Lauren jumped in which made everyone laugh harder

"on that note I'm getting another drink"

"me too" I turned around and jesse followed, I heard a few whistles as we walked over to the bar and ordered our drinks

"well this isn't embarrassing" he said to me

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