Chapter 16: Long Live the King

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Kill a Mafia Boss? What is she smoking? 

"Gwen, you said if I came here, you wouldn't hurt CJ. I'm not going to help you kill him." 

Surprisingly, Gwen shrugs her shoulders and gets up.

"Okay, suit yourself. You'll help me eventually." With that she walks out of the room. You notice she's forgotten her phone on the bedside table. Should I tell her? No, hide the phone, you never know when you'll need it. You slip the phone under your pillow, hoping she doesn't realise it's missing. 

Gwen comes back a while later and your heart stops beating. Shoot, she realised. She snaps her fingers and two guards come in, dragging a beaten up CJ behind them. 

"You promised you wouldn't hurt him!" You scream as they throw him onto one of the infirmary beds. Gwen looks at you coldly.

"I know, but you needed some motivation." Motivation? Seeing him beaten up is not going to make me agree to kill him, you psycho. She walks out and you try calling out to CJ, checking to see if he's conscious. Please be okay. He groans and opens his eyes. 

"What are you doing here, Y/N? Why aren't you at the safe house?"

You start to cry, "I'm so sorry, she said she'd hurt you if I didn't come back, but she forgot her phone here, we can call for help!" You bring out the phone from under the pillow and show it to CJ. He nods and gives you a number. You hear someone pick up on the other end. 

"Who is this?" 

At the sound of the voice, you're immediately filled with relief. CJ's dad, he can help us. You explain the situation to him. All throughout, he stays quiet, listening patiently. 

"Ok, I'm on the way." he says. Before you can reply, he hangs up. 

You wait for what feels like an eternity. The house seems quiet, too quiet. All of a sudden the doors slam open and CJ's dad walks in. 

CJ gets up and starts helping you up when Fash speaks.

"I don't like this. It's too easy. I was willing to accept that maybe she had forgotten the phone, but you guys just waltzed in here." Fear suddenly washes over you, as you realise you had probably just lead CJ's dad into a trap. You ready to help me kill a Mafia boss? Those words kept ringing in your ears. CJ isn't the boss yet. 

You hear clapping as Gwen and her men walk into the room. 

"Well done, Fash. You always knew me so well. Well, not well enough if it took you that long to realise." She smiles and turns to you. "As for you, Y/N. Thank you for your cooperation." 

CJ looks at you, shocked. Shit it looks like I was aware. He starts to walk away from you, pain in his eyes.

"No, CJ, it's not what it looks like. I didn't know." But it's too late. You can tell he already doesn't trust you. You look over to Gwen and see her smirking. This is exactly what she wanted. You try to get up, but your leg is still lifted and bandaged. Screw this, you think as you stand up, but immediately the pain flares up again, leaving tears in your eyes. 

"Don't bother, Y/N. Just stay here like a good little girl, while I have a talk with the boys." 

The guards push CJ and his father towards the door. You try to get CJ's attention, but he refuses to look you in the eye. That's it, he'll never trust me again. You lie back down in bed, crying. 

"It's not your fault, Y/N. Gwendo has a way of altering reality for everyone." says Fash. You look at him and he reaches his hand out from his bed. You reach yours and hold his. Gwendo... After all this time, you still love her don't you? Fash looks at you and it's almost like he can read your mind.

"Gwendo is misunderstood. Of course, there's that murderous side, but if you take the time to know her, you'll realise she's just scared. I think she just needs someone to show her love." 

You stay quiet for a while. She had love. She had a family and she threw it all away for revenge. She had your love, but that obviously wasn't enough either. You close your eyes, trying to ignore the pain that had now come back to your leg. 

Eventually, you hear the doors open again. Two guards come in and hoist you onto a wheelchair. They wheel you out, with Fash in tow behind. 

"Where are you taking us?" you ask, but they refuse to answer. Do they cut out the guards' tongues or something? No one ever replies to me. They bring you out to the garden, where CJ, Gwen and a bunch of other people in suits are waiting. As you reach, Gwen steps up, followed by CJ.

"Ladies and Gentlemen!" she announces. "Allow me to introduce the next head of our mercernary division... CJ." 

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