Chapter 4. 'not him.."

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Nawa is such a baka I swear....

I guess we should start heading to the principals office before we're late to any more classes, I mean we already missed our first class time sure does go by fast doesn't it.

Nawa and I walk down the hallways of the Karasuno school grounds, we pass a few classes, I always saw them looking at us as we walked down the halls which was kinda scary to be honest he-he.

Suddenly I spot a door with a sign at the top written in Japanese characteristics, 'Front Office'.

"Hey Nawa, see that?"

"What? See what?" He looks around like an idiot he is, I sweat drop and sigh pointing at the sign I saw.

"Do you need fricken glasses??"

"No, I don't because I don't wanna end up being as blind as you. Wait. Where is your glasses?"

"Uh-" I start checking my pockets and opened up my shoulder bag but couldn't find my glasses, I wasn't that surprised or nervous about it knowing that I barley need them only for reading.

"Ah it's fine I don't need them"

"Whatever you sayyy-"

"Shut up! Let's go to the office and get our schedule already, i dont wanna miss any more classes"

We start picking up speed and next thing you know, were in front of the door to the vice principals office.

"Same thing right?"

"No but okay?"

Why am i so nervous to novk on a stupid door...? Whatever I bet the vice principal is nice anyway.

I slowly nock two times on the large wood door with a name plate next to it saying 'Kushida'.

Nawa and I hear a faint male voice come from inside the room, "come in!".

I open the door and walk in, Nawa slightly behind me as we walk in the small but cozy room. I look around the room admiring how everything is not out of place and organized quite well, i look at the desk in front of me and see a man sitting in bis chair maybe in his 40's with a..... Wig??...hahahaha!! Oh my gosh.

"Hi, Mr. Vice principal my name is f/n l/n im a new student here at Karasuno nice to meet you sir!" I bow, ah jeez I bet I sound like some petty student- oh well.

"Uh- oh my name is Nawa l/n im also a new student here nice to meet you VP- I mean sir..." Nawa bows, and I twitch my eyebrow in anger...he. Did. Not just say...VP! Oh Nawa, Nawa, Nawa you are going to get it...

"Hmm- nice to meet you both, you may take a seat," Mr. Kushida offered.

"Thank you, sir" i say politely as I make my way to the two seats for Nawa and me.

"Your new students correct?" The vp said.

"Correct" nawa answered.

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