Poker face

22 1 0

Author credit: @RoseCarter501
Story status: Completed

So i found this book after reading the first book of "the one" series of the same author.
I kinda needed a reality check (sometimes everyone does) because of all the fantasy books I've read and reviewed.
As you can see I'm a fan of fantasy. It's a way i can escape responsibilities. But i love these realistic type of stories. I'm intrigued by them kinda like a moth to light.
I will admit I wasn't very fond of the beginning but i still hung around and i have no regrets.
To the author:
Thank you for amazing books. I will do another review when i finish the one series. By the way how do you spell Chace's name?

I'm baaack
- Mother Gothel Tangled 2010
After a LOT of stalking, annoyance & curiosity I finally found the books

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