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How Ari met some of her friends:

Fredo: Ariana met Fredo while she was touring with Justin Bieber, because he was friends with Justin and was filming for him

Tommy & Victoria: Ariana met Tommy and Victoria when she was still on 'Victorious' and they were one of the first people to ever work with Ari

Njomza: Njomza and Ari met through Mac Miller, because he helped Njomza sign to his label

Brian & Scott: The twins have been Ari's backup dancers since 2011

Courtney: Ari and Courtney have been friends since they were kids, because Courtney's dad and Joan
(Ari's mom) are friends

Tayla: Ari met Tayla through Nickelodeon, because they were both on Nickelodeon shows

Social House: Ari met Scootie and Mikey through Tommy

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