Chapter two

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It had been a week since Bellatrix found out it was Harry Potter in the other cell. And she could safely say, he was in constant hell.

She doesn't know what the Dementors were doing. But it seemed to cause constant pain to him. And when he described the pain, she took in a sharp intake of breath. He just described the cruciatus curse. 

But he also explained like they were trying to pull something out of him. Something latched onto his core, his very being.

Somehow, the Dementors are casting their own version of the curse, but at the same time, not the same curse. Because it apparently started out with just a throbbing headache, now, he's hurting.

She was currently watching him shake and twitch from the last session with the Dementors. And he's not doing too hot.

"Potter," she tried to get his attention.

He just continued to shake and twitch, mumbling to himself.




He flinched violently and looked up. He held himself like he was trying to protect himself.

Like she was going to hurt him. Yes, she would have. But she's been watching this for a week. And she's not liking it.

He was meant to be the chosen one. The one to protect the light. But they threw him into Azkaban because he was becoming too independent. Because he didn't want to be on a leash. Because he didn't want to kill anyone.

"Harry, I'm not going to hurt you. I might be insane, but I do have morals." She spoke to him quietly and gently. 

"Everyone hurts me. No one cares. And you won't be any different." His voice raspy from both screaming and hardly any use.

She felt her chest tighten at his words. She didn't know why. And it made her frown.

"What makes you think I'm going to hurt you. I'm without my magic and we're in different cells."

"You'll figure something out, you're Bellatrix fucking Lestrange. Besides, I'm used to it. Being lied to, being hurt…being beaten."

"Harry…you were…you were beaten? Its against the law to intentionally harm a magical child, magical children are cherished in the wizarding world, it's punishable by death depending by the extent." Her voice small, quiet.

He looked at her with hesitant eyes. "Near death, multiple times, starved, I've got the scars to prove it."

"Most definitely death." She looked sad. A look not known for her.

He gave out a raspy laugh. "Yet the light did nothing. Dumblefuck knew I was abused. He was the one that left on my abusive muggle relatives doorstep. In the middle of the night!"


"As you can see, nobody loves me. And nobody ever will."

"The Dark side will." Give her a break, she saw an opportunity and took it.

"The Dark side is currently trying to kill me if you haven't noticed."

"Not right now, if you're in Azkaban, that's a clear sign that the Light doesn't want you anymore. The Dark Lord has spoken of leaving you be. But with me being in here, he will come. And he will see your condition."

He looked at her before turning back to the wall and curling up. She sighed, but moved back to sit against the wall.

She was serious when she said the Dark Lord wasn't exactly looking to kill him right now. He saw no point in killing Harry Potter if he wasn't being the Light's weapon.

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