Chapter 18: you can help right ?

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Lewis's prov :

"They want to know if it's alright too look at your stomach" I say as I gaze down at Nolan's confused face

Suddenly It was like he went into internal panic and just shut down staring at his stomach

But a little voice that belonged to charity broke him out of his panicked state

"L-l-wet t-t-them h-help y-ywou" charity says pulling at his arm gently

To which he does and nods slowly in Wills direction

Nolan slowly lifts his shirt up and everyone including me gasp making Nolan flinch and look away

"You said a kid at school did this?" Will asked sending me a serous look

"Yes there was a fight that broke out" I say my eyes glued to his stomach looking at the extent of some the wounds

how could hector do this to Nolan?

what did he do to deserve all this?

"We are going to have to report this to the school immediately who did you say did this to him was called ?" Will asked in his serious tone he only ever uses when he's angry or seriously concerned

"Oh um I didn't but Hector knight that's his name the one who did this that is" I say in an angry tone remembering Hector hurting my Nolan wait I um..I mean Nolan he's not mine I um.....

Will just nods and leans in to examine Nolans damaged stomach

Nolan lets out a painful whimper as I see Will gently poke his stomach a few times then he let out a huge cry when Will touched a specific spot which makes Nolan flinch away and turn into me tears in his eyes as the pain filled his body

"nowlan?!" charity asked immediately says worry in her voice as she pulls at Nolans sleeve
"char i'm all good baby " Nolan rasps and reaches out for her which she obliges and snuggles in his arms

which I have to say is the most adorable thing I've seen it just makes my heart melt.

Nolan and charity are to busy cuddling to realise that the nurses and doctors are no longer poking Nolan and most of them have left so its just Will and two other doctors one I have never seen here before he must be new here, but Helen is standing to Wills left viewing a clip bored she's known Luke,Liam and I since we were kids that was when Will stared working at this hospital she's Wills right hand. the new guy is wearing the same white lab coat and scrubs underneath like Will is, he has dark brown hair that is decently long but its swept up out of the way, he had a bearded face, I watch curiously at them as they continue to speak trying to get a word out of what they are talking about the man I still have yet to have a name for nods his head and pushes his brown circle rimed glasses up his nose and they both turn to me which catches me off guard but I made sure to look like I wasn't just staring at them

"okay lewis so it's not good but its not terrible we believe he may have a hernia and a few damage rips which is restricting him from breathing" Will says which catches Nolans attention and he gives me a worried look

"you can help right?" I say sensing Nolans worry

" well yes but he's going to have to go into sugary to take care of it but it will be a quick and easy proses for me you don't have to worry about anything Lewis " Will smiles softly at me

"okay..." I say turning to look at Nolan but he is staring at his hands an unreadable expression on his face

"y-y-yowu w-w-wont h-h-wurt h-him r-w-right?" charity asks looking shyly at Will and the man catching everyone off guard

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2020 ⏰

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