Update 2

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I will be releasing the first 6 or 7 chapters of Simon Says later today, so if you'd like to join the mini contest, I recommend you at least skim over some of it so you have a general idea of what I need for the cover. Remember, only 10 people can join! Sign up on the mini contest page please, or I might not see it. Just state that you want to join and once you're approved, I'll put you on the list. Submissions are due by Friday the 17th. That gives you around 2 weeks.

That will also be when submissions are due for the big contest! If you need more time, let me know, and I can extend it. If all slots aren't closed by the deadline, I'll still keep them in, the judges just won't have as many pieces to judge. That being said, still spread the word if you haven't already!

I'll have another update once the deadline is up, and I'll announce when the judging deadline is.

I might have another mini contest soon, so stay tuned!

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