| Chapter 2 |

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The next morning, Virgil instantly knew something was wrong. There was no friendly knock on his door to wake him up, no breakfast waiting in the kitchen. Roman and Logan were already there, eating breakfast that they made themselves. Logan- toast with crofters, Roman- just some cereal. Logan said nothing, but Roman...

"Have you seen Patton today? I went to his room to speak with him earlier, but... he wasn't there."

"And that doesn't set off any alarms for you?"

"I just figured he needed some time alone. Especially after yesterday..."

"Where do you think he is?"

"If I may, I believe he could be in the Imagination." Logan spoke up.

"No, I'd feel it if he was."

"Again, this doesn't concern you?! There are only so many places he can be."

"Holy- You're right-" Roman abandoned his cereal, rushing out of the kitchen.

Virgil quickly followed. "Where are you going?"

"To find Patton, obviously."


Janus had woken up early. He started looking for any physical evidence on Patton that showed his room had begun affecting him. He quickly discovered scales starting to form on the top of his forehead. They were subtle- light blue and shimmery. Janus found them quite cute.

Patton started to stir, yawning and stretching before opening his eyes. Janus noticed a subtle yellow hue in Patton's eyes, and held back a smirk.

"Morning, Patton. Sleep well?"

Patton felt an odd tug inside his chest. He almost didn't want to answer that question truthfully. He scolded himself mentally. He shouldn't lie! Especially not to a friend.

"Yeah. Better than I would have in my room."

They both knew that if he had, Roman or Virgil would have woken him up just to scold or yell at him about Janus.

"You can stay for breakfast if you want. I can't promise Remus will behave, though."

"Sure. Anything to delay the inevitable talk."

Janus nodded.

"I'll let you change. I'll be right outside the door, so just come out when you're ready."

"Why must they hate him? He's so sweet when you get to know him." He muttered as Janus left, sighing.


"He is nowhere to be found! Where could he be?!"

Roman yelled, frustrated. He was now just as worried as Virgil- which is saying a lot considering he was on the virg of having a panic attack.

"The only other place I can think of is-"

He froze. No. Why would he be there? Had he been kidnapped? Was he hurt? Was-

Roman's voice snapped him out of it.

"I'm fine, it's just... The only other place he could be is... the Darkside."

Roman's eyes widened. Subconsciously, he reached for his sword.

"You think they took him?"
"I mean- where else he could be? Unless he's moving around, it's the only place we haven't checked."
"Is it even safe for him to be there? Won't the atmosphere corrupt him?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2020 ⏰

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