ꕤ synopsis

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The Canadian monarchy has been present for centuries, the royals descended from a long line of noble and royal ancestors.

Presently, the ruling heads consist of King Damien, descended from the Hayes lineage, and Queen Harper, once a noble's daughter. They have ruled together for the past twenty years.

Now, their children have come of age, a time in which is generally looked forward to by the public. Specifically, the eldest prince will soon be ascending the throne, if King Damien feels he is fit to take the reins of course.

The eldest prince, Callahan Hayes, and the younger prince, Brenner Hayes, have reached an age where matrimony has become a rising question. In response, the two will be having a selection in which a random selection of Canada's young women—rich and poor—will be escorted to the palace for however long the competition lasts. There, they will be competing against each other in the hopes of winning the hearts of the royal princes.

Does a non-royal Canuck have what it takes to fall in love and take the crown?

Does a non-royal Canuck have what it takes to fall in love and take the crown?

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A traditional selection roleplay

•Ash (@crayola32) (aka me)
•Alyssa (LovesCanada365 )

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