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~OCs Full Name~
Jake Lee Casey

~OCs Full Name~• Jake Lee Casey ~Gender~• male ~Sexuality~• gay ---》

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---》"I can be very convincing if i need to be. that doesn't mean i want to be." 《---
Godly Parent
eros - god of sexual desire, love, attraction and procreation
Mortal Parent (Step-Parent)
Jasmine Casey
Ryan King
Mortal Siblings
God Siblings
doesn't know of any
none yet
nico di angelo
Secret Admirer
nico di angelo

" 《---~Family~Godly Parent• eros - god of sexual desire, love, attraction and procreation Mortal Parent (Step-Parent)• Jasmine Casey • Ryan King Mortal Siblings• none God Siblings• doesn't know of any Girlfriend/Boyfriend/Husband/Wife?• none yet C...

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---》"uhm... that was a horse dude... a horse dude that just talked.."《---
•Crazy or sane? in between
•Funny or bland? funny
•Mischievous or serious? mischievous
•Chill or strict? chill
•Procrastinator or rusher? procrastinator
•Stands or field? (Sits out or joins in) field
•Outgoing or passer-by? outgoing
•Kind or mean? kind
•Patient or impatient? impatient
•Normal or odd? odd
•Leader or follower? leader
•Introvert or extrovert? both kind of
•Glass or wall? (Ignored or noticed) wall
~Most Favorites~
Food: pizza
Color: red ( it's a sexy color )
God: probably athena because she's so wise and he adores it.
Activity: soccer
Possession: a chain around his neck that when touched against any person, mortal or not, it can release the romantic desires of that person to only Jake for him to know. Sometimes he uses this for help on quests but otherwise he hates it but it's the only thing his father gave him so he loves it.
School Subject: science
Exercise: weights
Weapon: a sword with his father's symbol carved into the base.
~Least Favorites~
Food: broccoli
Color: orange
God: zeus
Activity: capture the flag ( he always hates getting into sword fights with annabeth )
Possession: his chain as well as he loves it.
School Subject: math
Exercise: running
Weapon: pocket knife

 School Subject: math Exercise: running Weapon: pocket knife ---》

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---》"please! i'm not into that like.. at all!"《---
Camp (CHB or SPQR)
camp half blood
Instructor (Chiron or Lupa)
Position (camper, counselor, director/probatio, legionaire, augur, praetor, centurion, senator)
camper and counselor of his cabin since it's just him
Facial Additions (freckles, dimples, etc.): dimples and faint freckles
Scars: on the back of his neck, a line from a sword thanks to annabeth

): dimples and faint frecklesScars: on the back of his neck, a line from a sword thanks to annabeth ~Clothing~Casual:

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《------》"oh cause it's just so funny to tease the boys whose father is the god of sex!" 《---~Backstory~| eros and jasmine met at a club since eros only visited earth for ya know

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---》"oh cause it's just so funny to tease the boys whose father is the god of sex!" 《---
| eros and jasmine met at a club since eros only visited earth for ya know.. a good time. jasmine was a reckless young adult and the two fell in love quick which led to conceiving Jake.
| jasmine gave birth to jake and the two raised him together until Jake turned one. at that point, eros had to leave for the sake of his work and the fact that he didn't want his son to meet him yet.
| jake went to many private schools, boarding schools and public schools before he finally got kicked out of the last school in the state. His mother was overwhelmed and sent him to a therapist named Ryan. This is how his mother and step father met and he got pushed to the side. Jake got into trouble all summer and his mother had gotten a letter from eros encouraging her to take him to camp half blood.
| Jake was about 11 when his mother actually worked up the nerve to send him there. he was younger than most campers and pushed around a bit but after a few years, he made a name for himself.
| Jake met percy when he came to camp and had already been close with annabeth and luke before. They went on a quest together and such and are close.
*Original template by Hey, Hey, Hayhay!! 😄*

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