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"Nick Austin will you be my boyfriend" those were the faithful words I thought I'd never hear. "Of course" I smiled bigger than I thought I could, I felt a few tears creep into my eyes as I hugged him tighter than I ever have.


Yes my ship. Why was I so mad now I'm actually confused. Eeeeeeeh I love this.

~nick- next day~
I woke up thinking everything was a dream I have those dreams all the time. I shift slightly and feel a body close to mine, I look over and see tony with his arm draped over my waist and his head against my neck sleeping peacefully. This is real... I feel a big smile creep onto my face. I layed back down beside my now boyfriend and fell back asleep.


I wake up to nicks head on my chest, I look at the boy and smile. I look up at the ceiling before slowly getting out of my bed. "Where you goin" I heard a sleepy nick say. "I have to take a shower Nicky" I say softly looking at him. He gave me puppy dogs. "I can't walk around the house smelling like a soggy Cheeto Nicky" I say he giggles. "Fineeeeee" he said giving up and drowning in my blankets. I smiled before walking into the bathroom.
~after LE shower~

I walk out of the bathroom with only my towel on (ondreaz was with Sofie at her house so it's just them) nick looked up from his phone and gave me the cutest smile before jumping up and hugging me. (Ahehem nick is shorter by 3 inches in this one) I wrapped my arms around the slightly smaller male, who was smiling. He giggled before stepping back, and looking him up and down and smirking before giggling again. I laughed with him, he gave me a quick kiss before leaving my room.


As I'm walking back to my room I hope that chase is asleep. I slowly open the door and there chase is staring at me. "H-hi chase" I mentally slap myself for stuttering. "Where were you" he asks, no demands. "I accidentally fell asleep on one of the couches downstairs" I laugh nervously. "You weren't down there this morning" he says. "I woke up really early and me and tony hung out" I say with a smile. "You look like you just woke up" he says still not convinced. "Well I-uh I fell asleep while we were watching shrek" I sat with a nervous smile. "Nick" he says coldly staring at me. "What" I say a bit higher pinched. "Nick" hes staring at me. "Ok ok fine I slept in tonys room" I say looking away. "Knew it,YOU OWE ME TEN BUCKS RY" he yelled. "What" I say looking back at him. "NO WAY" Ryland yelled back. "OH YES WAY" chase yelled. "SHIPP" Ry yelled. "I know you guys did not make a bet" I stared at him, he smiled nervously. "Nahhhhh" he says high pitched. "TONICK ALL THE WAY" I heard. And stare at chase who gulped. "Fuck" he whispered. I jumped at him, he screamed and ran out the door and I immediately followed after him. "YOU LITTLE SHITS" I shout as we speed down the stairs. Tony walks out of his room, "what's going on" I'm still after chase. "STOP RUNNING AND ACCEPT YOUR FATE CHASE" I yell and some how he trips, I stop in my tracks. "Heh karma hurt you for me" I say walking away. I walk up to tony and glare at chase. "Him and ry made a bet" I say looking back at him. "About what" he asked. "If I slept in your room or not" I say, he giggles. "Do you wanna come out to the hype house" he asks. Yeah I guess we could, I'm a little afraid of charli though cuz she's homophobic ya know. (I promise no actual shade from me to charli she a queen) "don't worry baby she won't do anything" he smiles softly. I smile back and hug him. "Thanks tony" I say, we walk to the kitchen. "Oh hey guys" I hear Thomas, I turn to see him and Mia. "Hey Thomas morning guys" I say while smiling. "I'd like to know how you got tony awake so early" Mia said, I laughed. "I took the blanket from him" they looked confused. "Oh yeah we're dating" I said casually smiling. They were in shock "you can't just say that casually you guys are the biggest ship in the house" Mia said jumping up and down. I giggled and tony smiled "yayyyy you guys are perfect for each other" Thomas said smiling.

Sorry it's so short I wanted to give you guys an update

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