Chapter one

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A lot of people ask me "OMG OMG YOUR DAD IS SOOO SMART" or stuff like "CAN I HAVE AN AUTOGRAPH?!". Well the truth is being a trillionaire's kid can suck. You have to wake up every morning, listen to your dad's new girlfriend, and go back to sleep. Terrible right?! Well needless to say today was different. It took dad a whooollleee hour to pick up his new date. "Finally you're home! Where's the new lady you promised?". My dad stepped aside to introduce a raggedy teen that looked liked she had been sleeping on the streets. "Say your greeting to Vanessa! She's my new wife!" Vanessa looked at me harmlessly and smiled. Without saying a word,i walked back upstairs and started posting pictures to my social media. "Kids these days huh?." She looked sheepishly at my dad as he picked her up and carried her to his bedroom.

Let me tell you if there was one thing I loved more then my dad it was my followers! Their so stupid and I love it! Always asking for money and shit. Although I couldn't help but notice how poor Venessa had looked. Oh well my dads weird like that. "DAD! Prepare my helicopter please and set it to the north!" I also loved taking advantage of my neighboring countries' new law! It was basically a battle royal up there! Every one had guns and knifes. Why? Apparently to "reduce the number of its poor people living in poverty" which means free killing for me! .....WHAT?! It's not my fault I get angry sometimes. "DAD HURRY UP!"  Jeez he never took this long. Quietly I came into my dads room and looked at him...crying? HAH! He's an embarrassment to the family and I'll never stop telling people about it!

My dad could've just told me to get out and that would be content for me but no, unfortunately. Instead what I got was an explanation on how that girl caused my family to tear apart and how everything was her fault.

I looked at him confused as ever until I just got up and left. I saw her heading downstairs as I was walking by.

"HEY!" She turned around clearly disturbed by my actions until she just told me "whatever your dad said was a lie." And just like that she left! How rude!

I was annoyed until I came to the sudden realization that she was blackmailing us! That BASTERD!

Well I knew I had to get some dirt on her but what? What exactly could be so bad that her life could completely disappear?

....THE INTERNET! DUH! Atleast that's where I got most of my answers. Looked her up and nope! Not a single thing!

"Jeez this was going to be more time consuming then I thought"

I then assumed that my nerdy friend Andy could help me with this! He's not really my friend. I just keep him around to make sure I get good grades.

Nevertheless I called him that night with not answer. Nerd probably got stuck reading a book again. Guess I'll wait until tomorrow to get the answer. Tomorrow..,.I DONT HAVE UNTIL THEN JUST PICK UP THE GODDAM PHONE! Ugh tomorrow is going to be an ugly day. I can practically feel it in me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2020 ⏰

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