chapter 1

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*Just a reminder this is an AU, meaning that this in no way resembles the Ming and kit in the show 2moons or 2moons2 or the actors. The only reason i'm using their names is because every time i imagine a couple i imagine these two so why not use their names. everything in this fic is fictional. please ignore the grammar mistakes this is my first fic. That's all*

     Kit heard the door unlocking and quickly attempted to hide his drink but when his roommate, Ming, walked in he relaxed.

Ming gave him an odd look "why'd you try to hide that?" He asked, gesturing to Kits beer.

"I thought you were my friend, he doesn't like it when I drink," Kit said.

Ming plopped down on the couch next to Kit "Mind if i have some?"

"Go ahead."

Ming took a sip then cocked his head at Kit in confusion, "I thought you didn't like drinking either."

"I don't."

"Then why have you been drinking so often lately?"

"Because...." Kit trailed off.

"Because what?"

Kit sighed "I guess it's because it helps me not think. Like, about emotions and stuff, and that makes me forget about emotions. Like, I don't know it makes me feel sort of, like, numb?"

Ming leaned back on the sofa, tilting his head to look up at the ceiling, "Why do you want to feel numb?"

"It's better than feeling pain isn't it?"

"I guess."

"Have you ever wanted to feel numb?"

Ming turned his head to look at Kit, who was already looking at him. "Mn, yeah, I'm sure everyone has or will at some point."

"Can I know why?"

A silence followed after Kits words until Ming spoke up, his voice soft, "when my mom died."

"I'm sorry"


"I don't know man, that's just what people say when someone tells them something like that."

Ming half smiled "you're so straightforward," he paused. "So why do you wanna feel numb?"

"Its pretty stupid compared to yours but my girlfriend of 2 years broke up with me, well I broke up with her, or, no," Kit sighed "like, she cheated on me and we had a fight then we broke up."

"Damn that sucks."

"Wow, no, really?"

Ming snorted, "that's what people say when someone tells them something like that."

Kits smile faded.

"I've never understood cheaters. I mean, if you're not happy in a relationship you can just break up with them. Why cheat?"

Ming didn't know how to answer that so he remained silent.

Kit continued, "Do you think she liked me but just not enough? Was she just using me? For what? Or was it just for the thrill of it?"

Ming sighed "I don't know, man, but I think you shouldn't focus on why she hurt you. It doesn't matter anymore. Just focus on yourself."

Ming noticed the broken look on Kits face and his voice turned soft "Kit, shes not worth your tears but its ok to cry. You know i wont judge you."

kits voice came out strained, like when you're holding back tears and your throat burns. "just Stop" 

They sat in silence for awhile until Ming spoke up,

"Do you want to watch a movie?"

Kit shook his head then sat forward, resting his elbows on his knees. He took a few deep breaths then mumbled something, barely audible.

"What?" Ming asked

Kits face heated up and he glanced up at Ming only to look away just as fast. He shook his head "never mind"

"No, tell me what you said." Ming insisted.

Kit still refused to look Ming in the eye and shook his head "I said never mind"

Ming sighed, "tell me what you said.

Kit finally looked up at Ming, trying to fight off a blush and said very quietly " can I have a hug?"

Surprise washed over Mings face and he just stared dumbly at Kit.

Kits face reddened and he started to shake his head when Ming snapped out of his stupor and nodded. He moved closer to Kit and hesitantly wrapped his arms over Kits shoulders and let Kit put his arms around his waist and lay his head on the crook of his neck. They stayed like that for a few seconds, tensed and unmoving until Ming reached up his hand to play with kits hair and Kit relaxed. They both sunk into the couch and got comfortable, still holding each other. In only a few seconds, kit fell asleep and soon Ming matched his breathing.

Roommate Au MingkitWhere stories live. Discover now