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Yeah so new chapter it's 11am and the sun is murdering me "__"

The sun, a sign of a new day and a universal sign of hope

But to me, a being who is strengthend and exceeds in the depths of the night,  the morning is a horrible time of day

As I enter my classroom through the unnecessarily large door, something I'm yet to get used to, I'm greeted by one of my very respectable peers; Tenya Iida reading through tomorrows materials

"Ah good morning Tokoyami I see you are here early per usual" he greets looking up from his textbook

"Morning to you too Iida, the sun is most definitely not my friend so I try to be here before it's at it's brightest" I reply as I walk towards my seat in the back

After a while the whole class had filled and was live with chatter

As per usual Aizawa sensei was late but everyone had come to except that

I was enjoying some music when I saw him wiggle into the classroom, worm like as always

"Silence" he drones glancing over us menacingly

I wonder what happens in the mind of someone so outwardly cold such as Sensei or Todoroki, maybe their complete opposites, balls of energy like Ashido and Hagakure

"As you all now your being expelled so get out" he says with out batting an eye and pulling out a juicbox

"Eh!? THE HELL I AM YOU JUST GOT HERE AND YOUR GONNA FUCKING EXPELL ME?!" Bakugou screams kicking his chair to the floor

"Aizawa sensei your joking right?" Ashido chokes out

"This can't be real after all my hard work and all the faith everyone had in me, andallmightsgonnabesodissapointedhetrustedmeandifailedimsoterribleomgisuckasswhyohgodiwanttodieholyfuckingchrist" Midoriya crys whilst rambling

"The boooobs! Missed my best chance! Life is so so very crueeeel" Mineta screeches

"Finally" Todoroki sighs

"My family will be so disappointed I'm a failure as a son" Iida mutters to himself in pure shock

"Oh mon Dieu!" Aoyama shouts out dramatically

"I don't believe it" I say under my breath I stand up and push my chair back before raising my hand to point at the man "Dark Shadow!"

Suddenly the class gets quiet as they see me attack Aizawa with my quirk

"Tokoyami that's illegal for us now, stop!" Midoriya shouts in attempt to stop me but it's too late

Dark shadow whisks past him and directly through our teacher "Oh my god Tokoyami!" Hagakure screams

I retract Dark shadow and watch as everyones face turns from horror and shock to absolutely confusion, as they all look to see Aizawa not even flinch let alone acknowledge the hole through his torso Yaoyorozu speaks up

"It's someone's quirk! That must mean they're nearby as the fake is solid meaning they have some kind of imagery quirk"

I nod "I had a feeling that wasn't him so I attacked in case it was someone with a transformation quirk"

"W-what if it was really Aizawa-sensei!? Kaminari screams

"He would've easily dodged that, his reaction speed is a lot better than Dark shadow's speed at this time of day" I say nodding to the window referring to the sun

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2020 ⏰

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