When will you be free.

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When will you be free
From strings that entangles thee
Called uncertainty.

As the nature sympathised.
The psalm of freedom,
Start ringing your ears.

Better are the birds
That can fly high at its best
Free to rest at nest.

Rather than humans
Who's entangled with it's strings
And deprive to cease

When will yo u be free.
Escape is in front of thee
Look forward to see.

As the butterfly are free
As well as the tree
So when will you be.

To wander and see,
The beauty of your hue
Explore it where you belong.

flowers to amaze,
Sun set to flutter,
For your days to be brighter.

You can just be you
When it scare you to be you,
When you feel so blue.

Let me hold your hands
I will go along with you
From each step you take.

a note to self...,

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