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Fifty kilometers west of the closed factory, between the beautiful taiga fir trees and Mongolian oaks, there was an extraordinary, residence.

Part of the forest was completely shaved at the cost of its construction, and you could reach it only through a narrow path that led to seraphic iron gates, inspired by a vampire manor, the smell that floated here resembled ancient beech wood dripping with resin.

Someone would think that a retired officer with a lot of money or a businessman sleeping on a fortune lived here because the building was finished tastefully and sparingly.

But who was the owner? No one else but Willy Wonka.

Willy, a young 'master' who has been lucky in life since the cutting of the disgusting umbilical cord.  The baby was brought up under the supervision of the best nannies, maids, teachers, and housewives. He had a sister, sixteen years older, she was very beautiful and she had a talent for design, so while he was still being a cinnamon roll, he didn't see her much.

The girl went to various shows in Paris, Milan, and other fashion capitals, but she loved her brother, to whom she brought toys from Europe or Asia.

Mr. and Mrs. Wonka was more interested in trading and money flowing into their wallets, which is why the child was only heirs to them. On a daily basis, they were out of the country, even on holiday they went alone, and the progress of growing up their children they learned from photos or videos.

Several years ahead. Sleeping on banknotes, a fully grown man has already bought a huge area of the forest that all people have forgotten. The location existed like a cherry on a cream-chocolate cake, harmony was flowing nearby, not like in the capital. An oasis deprived of traffic lights, homeless people asking for a cent or snot selling marijuana.

Only under the asphalt, melted through the sunbeam, a mongrel walked with a sprained paw. The titanic pavilion blossomed in the heart of this utopia, and Wonka, like Wonka, was already thinking about planting daisies around the residence

The construction lasted all year, some trees near the building were clad in cameras, and the employment of home help was already a month back.

This is how the "palace of corporeality" was created, it was not an ordinary residence. Willy Wonka just brought whores here. He was usually sold to him by family, friends, or even TV stars who secretly wanted to earn more money.

Of course, he didn't touch them, because they were only suitable for salesmen. The Novo-rich people came together for business, at the same time using sexual services, no matter what sex they were, the choice remained excellent, nobody complained.

Yes, this spoiled child has grown into an adult jerk.

Most prostitutes have become accustomed to a new life, abandoning the dream of cutting their throats or hanging themselves on a sheet that smells like cheap perfumes. They lived here on a level, deducting passionate night relations with guests in the moonlight. They were allowed to walk in the garden, pamper the dogs, read books, or interact with other prostitutes.

Late autumn has arrived.

The Willy office had a balcony exit decorated with various flowers, displaying filigree marigold flowers, nemesis, and garden petunias. Right next to the oak desk stood a key cabinet in which only Wonka himself knew the contents and a dark purple armchair. In this chair, he often sipped whiskey thinking about various things.

Willy was still young, most whores were older than him, and he could freeze bones with his incredibly cool attitude. Nobody ever knew what he was thinking about, where he would go, he was a mean man, but many people owed him their lives. They knew that if not him, they would still sleep somewhere on the street in dogs vomit.

He just finished signing the documents, when an older gray-haired beard shoved a young girl inside. He did not look like someone from the upper classes, after all, a dangling belly suggesting dates with beer, an oil-stained sweater, and a hideous expression on his face, these features did not manifest themselves as aristocratic.

His stench made Wonka disgusted, making noise with rubber gloves
he had to cover his nose, for a moment so as not to throw out the morning pancake.

-I am Jacob Daniels. As far as I remember we agreed a week ago. However, if I knew that I would wait twenty minutes outside the gate, I would give her to the nearest brothel, you are lucky that you pay a lot of money, because I do not have time for such bullshit! Take her and give me the cash.

The old man shouted, smelling like a fish house, he found his way into Wonka's nostrils. In order not to extend the way of the cross, he took out a leather suitcase with money, and then threw it at the man who, after being caught, disappeared without a word, and with him the stink of hell.

Willy puffed back, closed his eyes as dark as night, his brown fringe fell slightly to the side.

He almost forgot about the new acquisition, which still stood almost still at the door, plucking the skins of slender fingers.

The young man passed the sluggish desk from the excess of documents, slipping one hand into his pocket, and the other pulling the hat off his head to throw it perfectly on a small hanger on the opposite wall, then he walked over to the shaking girl, looking at the dirty sheet she had between her index finger and the ring finger.

-Let's see.. you are Lauren, Lauren Morris. Your room is at the very end of the corridor on the left. On the shelf you have a book in which all the rules are written, read them, because if you don't, you'll regret it.-At At the end of the sentence, he laughed briefly in a characteristic way.

Wonka looked at the exceptionally symmetrical face of the girl who was still silent, and her empty gaze rested on the man.

-You can pretend deaf but I will punish you and you don't know how much I like it.

-I don't answer without being asked.- she answered confused, lowering her head.

Willy just breathed, cleared his throat, and looked at her again.

- Anyways, now you are Rose, your identity burned in the oven. You will receive customers, and all the profit will go to my pocket, and now get out of here.- He mumbled softly, after a second she was gone in the dark.


So yeah as you can see so far Willy Wonka in this story in no way resembles that of the movie, because I wanted to change the look of his childhood and some character traits, in the context for this story.


I am suuuper sorry
for any mistakes!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2020 ⏰

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