Chapter 3

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   The department was a little more busy than usual. Despite that, it seemed like the whole world froze the moment the doors opened up in front of me. 

     So many blank stares my way. So many voices that once spoke were now all hushed. So many deadlines to have been met were now all put on pause. It was so odd.

     As I walked down to my desk, everyone’s eyes were still on me.

“Bigby!” Robin called from across the department. “Come with me!”

“One second I’ve just gotta...wait, where’s my stuff?” I asked, scratching my head.

“In your new office. Now come on, the more Beast is kept waiting, the more he’ll dock your pay...” 

“Wait, what?” I frowned.

“Yeah, exactly my point. Hurry up. Just leave all your stuff here, you’ll have time to take them down to your office later.”

     Speed walking down the hall with him, I could feel my heart beating pretty fast. A sudden boost of adrenaline rushed through my veins.

     Then, there he stood, Beast, looking a little more serious than usual. 

“Bigby.” He greeted me sternly.

“Commissioner Beast...” I replied, averting my eyes from him.

“Are you ready to speak with the suspect?” He asked.

“...Yes.” I lied. In fact, I was far from ready.

“Alright, Robin and I will be watching from behind the glass.”

“But wait, who’s the suspect?” I asked, preparing to brace myself.

“The Evil Queen.” He answered me.

     It took me a second to soak in what he said. However, it did make sense. 

     As I walked into the room, there she sat, looking more than annoyed with her current situation.

“Hello Regina...” I said, observing her expression.

     She grimaced at the sound of her own name.

“Don’t call me that.” She hissed. 

“Why not? You don’t like to be reminded of mommy dearest?” 

     She kept very quiet, her eyes piercing at me like daggers.

“...And who decided to make the Big Bad Wolf a detective?” She taunted.

“We’re not here to talk about me. We’re here to talk about you...”

“There’s nothing to talk about!” She fumed, slamming her fist against the table. 

“Oh? Then why are you so angry?” 

“Why wouldn’t I be? You guys have kept me locked in here like a damned peasant, and you expect me not be angry?” 

“Do you know why you’re here?” I asked, finally taking a seat in the chair before her.

“...No. I don’t.” She replied, averting her eyes.

“...Hm. You know, I can tell when someone is lying Regina. This nose wasn’t just made to smell the flesh of the living....” I growled.

     For second, her eyes widened. 

“You don’t scare me Bigby...” She said, narrowing her eyes. 

“...I have a feeling that’s not true either. Why are you here?” I asked, my voice harsh.

“...I don’t know!” She fumed.

“You and your mother haven’t had such a loving relationship, is that right?” I jabbed.

“Fuck you....”

“I’ll take that as a yes. To my knowledge, it’s been said that you’ve even tried to kill her?”

     She remained quiet, this time with her eyes closed, as if that would have made all of this go away.

“...She’s dead you know, your mother...”

     Her eyes suddenly opened wide, as if she were hearing about this for the first time.

“You’re lying...”

“Why would I lie about something like that?” I asked. 

“You’re lying!” She repeated. “You’re lying, you’re lying, you’re lying!”

     For someone who had been suspected of killing her own mother, this was a little odd.

“...How could you be so upset?” I asked. “You yourself were trying to kill her...”

Were, Bigby! Past tense! People change! You yourself should know that!”

     Her words took me by surprise. She was right. People do change. At least I have for the most part. It would be unfair to think that she hadn’t.

“...I believe you.” I whispered.

“...You do?” She uttered through her sobbing.

“Yes. I do. By any chance, would you know where the Mad Hatter is?”

“...No, why? Do you think he did it?” She asked curiously as she leaned in.

“...I can’t say that for sure, but I promise you I’ll find who did it.”

     She remained quiet as she sat there, those once menacing eyes now aged and mournful. 

     There was nothing left to say, or better yet, I wasn’t one who knew how to comfort people. I was only good for frightening them, so instead, I got up and made my way to the door.

“Hey Bigby?” She called after me.


“...Don’t screw this up.” She breathed sharply.

“...I won’t.”

     The moment I walked out and closed the door, Robin and Beast came out of the observation room. 

“...So you don’t think she did it?” Robin asked.

“No. I don’t.” I replied, feeling quite solemn.

“Okay, so now what?” He asked.

“I’m gonna go head down to my office and work on a profiling report on every person the Evil Queen, her mother, and the Mad Hatter knew, and take my investigation from there starting tomorrow, visiting each person and crossing them off my list one by one.”

“Alright, sounds good. Boss, if you need me, I’ll be in Snow’s office finalizing the paper work on Evil Queen’s interrogation.” He said as he made his way down the hall.

     I was really hoping Robin wouldn’t leave me behind with Beast, but look where we are now, he and I, alone in the hallway, him looking at me, me looking away.

“You did a pretty good job today.” He said softly. “I’m happy to see that I didn’t make a mistake choosing you for the job. I knew you could do it. Keep it up.”


“I guess I shouldn’t be keeping you. You can get back to work now.”

     Without saying another word, I quickly made my way down the hall.

I don’t think I could've made that anymore awkward...

A/N: Book name change and cover. That is all. Hoped you liked this chapter. (: 

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