Chapter 3

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(No ones pov)
As Jungkook passed out
Taehyung was stil in pain wincing and looking at hoseok and Namjoon picking up Jungkook and dragging him into the room Taehyung was in not tying him up though.
(Jungkook's POV)
I felt myself becoming concious with a pulsing headache i opened my eyes slowly trying to see where i was.
"Hey are you alright" i heard a deep but soothing voice ask me. Starting to get a little used to the darkness still half asleep.
I looked up to see who was talking to me i see its Taehyung. He looked like he was in pain seeing him covered in crusty blood and wounds.
"omg Tae what did they do to you?!" I said getting up slowly still with a killer headache. I felt myself stumble falling on my ass.
"As you probably know they are vampires.. they lured me but i didnt want to join.. i did research and noticed that people went missing after being asked to join because of them."
"I-i vampires don't exist" i was a little scared but confident they didnt exist and thinking Tae was messing around with me. But after thinking for a while thinking that it might be true because he wouldnt joke like this at times like !now.
"S-so hungry" Taehyun whispers he started to look at me with lustfull eyes. I see he had red eyes i immediatly back up frightened. "Taehyung?!What's wrong with you?!"
Taehyung was growling hungrily trying to get out if the chains i stayed back "they turned him into a vampire didnt they?" I said to myself against the wall i stand up being cautious to where i was walking to because i couldnt see much either.
Walking to the door i start shouting "DO YOU THINK YOU CAN KEEP US DOWN HERE FOREVER?!" I said confidently but inside i was frightened.
"Stop trying they wont let us go" said Taehyung who obviously became more concious and controlled himself looking at me in pain
I approuch Taehyung looking at his wounds which where surprisingly healing but i still looked like he was in a lot of pain. "Taehyung im sorry i wish i could help you." I tried to help by moving the chains away from the wounds but couldnt get the chains to move to get him out.
"Dont worry about me.." Taehyung said to me. The door opened Jimin walking into the room and closing the door behind him i watched his steps carefully. "Hello dear Jungkook im sorry we got off on the wrong foot" he said in a calm voice looking at me with red eyes.
"Let him leave am i not enough for you?!" Taehyung said. Jimin grabbed Taehyung by his shoulder and whispered something into his ear which made him quiet.
I hear Jimin giggle as he looked up at me approaching me with a small smirk "you know you dont have to be in pain like him if you just join willingly.." Jimin said with a sweet smile.
I scoffed "Why would i ever join you i trusted you guys! NAMJOON WAS MY IDOL!" I shouted looking Jimin up and down. "Watch your words your younger then me.." Jimins said cornering me and then sniffing my neck.
I pushed Jimin back. "Hmm pretty strong aren't you? Yoongi was right about you wasnt he.." Jimin said. i was confused looking at Taehyung whos head was hanging low.
"Im going to kill you." I said suddenly getting angry. I shook my head as confusion and my vision was blurry "Mhm go ahead" he said opening his arms as a free attack.
I went for him but dropped on my knees before i could even be in his reach. "Dont worry.. you'll be safe in our hands" i hear a different voice say from behind Jimin.
It was Yoongi who kneeled down in front of me i was weak and looked into his eyes which weren't red but were a bright purple with hints of orange. "I have high hopes for you Jungkook" he said holding my shoulders putting his head at my ear and whispering "You wil be so strong when you turn" he whispers into my ear.
I felt a sting on my neck noticing it was Yoongi who had bitten me putting me in a sort of trance unnable to move or fight back. "Good boy" he whispered before continuing to bite my neck
This cant be it? It just cant. I CANNOT DIE LIKE THIS NO! "NO" i shout as my last bit of power which gave Yoongi a small surprise and Jimin frowned "He is strong isnt he?" Jimin said towards Yoongi.
I felt my vision getting more blury by the minute with Yoongi suddenly stopping and looking me in the eyes "Sleep now.. you'll be ready soon" he says making me lose concious and fainting yet again.
"Again this darkness.. again this pain this.. " i sighed thinking about what i had gotten myself into. "Why did i write back? Why did i trust them WHY? Im a pabo." I said to myself floating in this void of nothing.
I saw a figure in the darkness it looked like a male it was going towards me. I see it was Taehyung "Jungkook.. im sorry im so sorry i screamed! You shouldve been able to leave without this happening." He hugged me "I promise when im a full vampire ill save you i wont work for them i promise ok?" He said.
I nodded and smiled a little "im sorry aswell and thank you for being my only friend here" i said hugging back.
Sorry if this one was very boring im not really feeling it today but idc its not like people read these stories anyway.. uh yeah if your enjoying this story please support me! Thanks!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2020 ⏰

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