Chapter 6

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Lucy Pov
Mira and Laxus played seven minutes in heaven first while we were talking about random stuff and "adult" stuff. After 7 minutes, one of Mira's bra strap was falling down, and they were panting hard. I guess we know what they did in that room for seven minutes *wink wink nudge nudge*.

"Okay *pant* Lucy its you and *pant* Natsu's *pant* turn"

But by this time I was already drunk af.

"Haha, Mira theres 2 of you now! Which on should I follow? *giggle*"

"AHAHAH!LUCY's drunk!!!" That idiot Natsu started laughing.

"Oi, Natsu shaddup (imagine a Lucy that's like Erza but drunk) fine, come to that room with me *hiccup* you baka ass mudafaker"

Natsu's Pov
A very drunk Lucy dragged me into the room where Laxus and Mira were, Lucy's very drunk, I don't think she'll be okay.

"Lucy I think you've had enough fun for tonight I'm gonna take you home otherwi-"

"Doesn't Natsu-sama want to be with me?" She said with quivering puppy dog eyes, damn it Lucy I can't stand it when you're this cute!

"Fine but after 7 minutes were going home"

"You're not the boss of me stupid vampire" she said returning back to her Erza personality

While we were inside the room, Lucy did nothing but hit me and punch me and tell me how worthless I am.

"STUPID NATSU! YOU THINK YOU CAN MAKE ME SWOON OVER YOU JUST BECAUSE EVERYONE ELSE DID?!?! WELL YOU'RE FUCKIN WRONG BITCH! YOU AND YOUR PLAYBOY ASS CAN GO FISH FOR OTHER HOES IN THE SEA AND BETTER GODDAMN KEEP YOUR DIRTY AF FINGERS AWAY FROM MY PURITY YOU DAMN SON OF A B-" and she went on and on and on. What did I ever see in this chick? She's hard to get, she's an amazon and she acts like a boy when no ones around for fucks sake. After 2-3 minutes of telling me how much of a mess I am. She scooted next to me and cuddled me, like nothing happened.

"Natsuuuu~" dang flabbit, I can't hold back anymore. Lucy is so cute and it's tempting me too much.

"Yes Lucy?~" When I looked at her she was sleeping peacefully like a baby....
WHAT THE HELLLLLL???!!?!!?!?!?!?!

A moment ago she was just like king kong if not, worse, and now she's like a baby angel? dafuc?

~Time Skip after the game~

"Hey guys it loos like Lucy is totally knocked out, mind if we take our leave now?"

"Oh dear, it does seem like that, well okay you guys can go home, while we enjoy this night for Lucy" said Mira.

"okay den"

~Time skip at Lucy's house~

"Aunt Layla! Uncle Jude! Tadaima!"

"Oh, Natsu! Okairi! Where's Lu--AAAHHH!" aunt Layla screamed when she saw Lucy all drowsy leaning on me.

"Natsu will you please take Lucy upstairs? Thank you for looking out for her."

"Yeah, I tried to stop her from drinking too much but it seems like she wanted to enjoy and she kept hitting me everytime I said dont"

"Well like mother like daughter am I right?" said Uncle Jude joining us, I could feel aunt Layla glaring at uncle Jude. I better get Lucy to her room, to avoid the war that's going to happen.

"Well, I'll just drop Lucy to her room and I'll get going"

"Natsu~" I felt aunt Layla glaring at my back

"~did you forget its Saturday today? And are you just going to leave my darling Lucy sleep alone tonight? She's also drunk you know what would she do if there's no one there to help her? Virgo is currently sleeping so you can't count on her, and you are her fiance is that what fiance's are supposed to do?~" she said sweetly, but I could sense her inner devil, I sweat-dropped.

"*gulp* I guess I could stay here tonight.. heh..he..he"

"Thank you Natsu! Can you please assist her get ready for bed Virgo?" I thought she was asleep?Better not complain though.

"Hai! Sir Natsu can you please hand over miss Lucy to me for a second? Her room is the door with a big L hanging. You're sleeping wear is in the guest bathroom which is the last door to your left"

"Thank you Virgo." she's so detailed smh.

~Time skip after getting ready~

When I went to Lucy's room its so damn big, dayum what is this forever 21? Wait no..that's her closet. When I jumped on her bed, the bathroom door opened and I saw Virgo carrying Lucy, she's sweating, she must've had a tough time getting Lucy ready for bed. I looked at the clock and it was already 2:24 we stayed that long in that club?! Virgo layed Lucy next to me and I tucked her in.

"Better sleep on that couch" I mumbled under my breath, just as I was about to get up, Lucy grabbed my wrist.

"Natsuuuu~ stay by my side" this girl is so clingy when she's drunk...and she's also very scary.

"Ehhhhhhhhh?" Am I hearing things right? Am I drunk too? IS LUCY'S BODY GETTING POSSESSED BY ALIENS???!!!! She wrapped her hands around my waist and she wrapped her left leg around my legs, I could feel her heat (because she is drunk) on my body. Well this is a good oppurtunity to take a picture of then I'll black mail her AHAHHAHAHAHA! I'll let her worry about this in the morning right now I should enjoy this. I put my left hand around her and there we slept peacefuly. Or so I thought...


Well there goes my streak of udating everyday lol Gomen Gomen Gomen erberberdy. But like....OMG OMFG OMG OMFG Thank y'all for 1k readers! I love y'all! I will start updating more before class starts. That's all for now!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2017 ⏰

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