The Battle Begins

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    "Now if everyone is ready, we shall begin." The headmaster spoke taking her seat. "I've never seen any of the professors fight before. I wonder how powerful they are?" Ian asked turning to look at Mark who's face held no expression. He had never seen him like this. Where the professors that powerful? 

    The trainer stepped onto the field standing in between both parties. "Students, are you ready?" Both Oliver and Josh both nodded their heads assuming their combat stances. "Professors, are you ready?" Both professors nodded as well but didn't seem to assume any sort of combat stance. They just stood there. 

    The trainer raised her hand into the air. Both parties stayed still, sweat began to drip from Oliver's forehead. He had never fought against any professor before. Everything seemed to move in slow motion as the trainer threw her hand down signaling the fight to begin. "Snap out of it, the fight is starting!" Josh yelled at the boy who just seemed to be standing there. Oliver shook his head a couple of times forcing himself out of his trance. "Sorry, I don't know what happened." 

    "We'll figure it out because here they come." Oliver looks up finding out that both professors charging at them. "Let them attack first, we need to scope out our opponent and think of a counter," Josh explains. Oliver simply nods turning his attention back to the charging professors. 

"Let's get this battle started!" Professor Sinclair shouts with excitement reaching towards her charm which was located on her back. A small glow seemed to appear on her back before removing a medium-sized metal fan seemingly out of nowhere. 

"What the hell! How did she do that?" Ian asked wide-eyed. Luke looks closely and thinks back. "I think I've read about this. All charms have a weapon that you can use during combat, but only once you have become one with you're charm. You must learn your charm's name and ask for its power and it will lend you the power you need. No student has accomplished this yet, and no one has seen The HeadMistresses either." Both Mark and Ian stare at the battle amazed wondering what kind of power these Professors really hold. 

  Professor Sinclair plants her foot in the ground centering her gravity driving the iron fan from the left side of her body to the right creating a huge gust of wind sending sand and loose pieces of earth flying towards the students. 

    Josh opened up small voids big enough to cover his vital spots, absorbing most of the dust that flew his way. Oliver used his shadow and crystalized it to create a barrier blocking the wind and small chunks of earth that collied with his crystalized shield. Doing this, he lost sight of both Professors who seemed to have just vanished. 

   "Where did they-." Oliver was cut off in almost an instant moving slightly to the right dodging a small black orb that skidded right past his cheek. The orb collides with the wall behind him creating a massive dark purple explosion leaving small purple and black flames slowly simmering. 

   The entire stadium became silent after the attack. Oliver frozen with fear, unable to even turn and face the monster who launched the attack. Professor Volvamas stood there, with no emotion written on her face. The silence creating an ere atmosphere as she stood there. Her pointer finger aimed directly at Oliver indicating she had fired the attack. 

   Josh himself couldn't believe what he had just seen. Was she trying to kill him, surely that's now allowed, right? "Jesus Volvama, you almost took the kids head off." Sinclar sighs. Professor Volvamas doesn't respond nor even shows signs that she even herd Professor Sinclair's statement. She had no intention to hold back this battle. 

   Opening the palm of her hand another small black orb appears drawing energy from the shadows. Once fully charged the orb appears on her pointer finger launching another attack, this time at Josh. "JOSH LOOK OUT!" Luke shouts from the stands. Josh quickly opens another void absorbing the small orb and reopening the void directly next to Professor Sinclair. "Hmm?" Professor Sinclair notices the void and quickly jumps back seeing the black orb shooting out of it. The orb collides with another wall creating a similar explosion as before but this one a bit more tamed. 

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