1.6K 12 22

Hi everyone! I just want to say thank you for reading my story, I hit 10k reads this week and I can't believe it! I remember when I would look daily on only 10 reads per chapter. You guys are insane and I love you so much. I know I'm such a pain updating because I never have the time anymore but thankyou for sticking with me! Im really excited to publish the next few chapters, drama ahead! (Not sure if it's really got that much beef because Harrison is such a sweetie and I find it so hard to write him as mean 😂) Anyways, thanks again guys, it means the world to me knowing you enjoy my work!

P.s: who's your favourite lifeguards?
Mines obviously Harrison aha and I also love Jethro, Jackson, Chappo, Jesse and Harries. I can't watch Bondi Rescue in the UK so I have to resort to watching crap YouTube videos of old episodes and the official Bondi rescue channels videos. I love the show so much though and wish they put it on Netflix so I could enjoy watching the newer seasons.

BONDI RESCUE - HARRISON REID X READERWhere stories live. Discover now