Last day at home

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Um.. Hi, my name's Kenai. And as you can obviously tell, I'm a dog. I'm a young bichon, about 2 and a half months old. My life is not that great, but I do have some memories of the short time that I have lived. I can't remember my moms or my dads name, but what I can remember is that I have 4 brothers. We grew old at the countryside, we played all day long with other dogs, there were no rules at all.
One day, I woke up a little tired than usual; I think I had a bad dream or something, who would have known that it was my last day home..?
The day went just as the others for a bit, nothing surprising has happened until.. my mama was taken away from me along with my brothers
I was shocked, I did not know what was going on, I was forced to get in a car, a random car that I never saw before. I didn't want to go, but 2 random women forced me to.. I couldn't even say goodbye to my family..
My heart was shattered, I was crying so loud until I had no voice; I thought to myself, maybe if I make so much noise, they would let me go..but I was wrong. They kept me in until the ride was finally done. And when I got out of the car , everything seemed so weird. I was taken to a place that was so far from home, it was kinda city-like, but nonetheless I did not like it at all.
The 2 women got out and took me into a house full of real people..People, not dogs.
I was so scared, until this girl came to me.. She was in her twenties I believe. She came to me and hugged me so thight that I felt a little safe. People always looked at her and said "Kim, come on", so naturally I thought her name was Kim.
The day passed fast I can say. Kim gave me a bubble bath, we played for a while and finally, I went to sleep cause' it was a long day. I stopped crying when she held me, but I still missed my old family. What was gonna happen to me?
Who are all these people? Can I trust Kim? Who knows?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2020 ⏰

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