Piss and Regrets | Jimmy

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I sighed. I really doubt it was as much as a big deal as Ricky was making it out to be. He had always been pretty dramatic when it came to those things. I liked to think it was because he was trying to look tough. Part of me thought it was him just trying to impress me, but I really doubt that. I wanted to slap myself for even having that thought.

"I don't care if it's straight out of the Twilight Zone, we're straight out of patience and you're sitting on your ass," I said, putting my hands on my hips. "I better get up then. Mr. Middle School will harass me if I don't," Marcus replied, standing and shooting me a devilish grin. I huffed and turned away from him.

I had noticed that Ricky had been acting strange ever since the ride. Come to think of it, he had been acting strange practically all afternoon. I had to figure out a way to get him on his own so that I could talk to him about it. Then it hit me-- "Hey, I need to use the bathroom. Ricky, why don't you come with me?" I asked, gesturing out the door as I made eye contact with him. "Yeah. Sure, I guess."

So we slid out the door together, walking some distance away from the trailer before I turned to him. "What the hell? Are you trying to look at me pissing or something?" he screeched, and I screamed and averted my gaze before I had looked any lower than his shoulders.

"I had no idea you actually had to pee!!" I insisted, a blush crawling up my face and tinting my ears pink. "What is that supposed to mean? You said you had to use the bathroom, dimwit!" he screamed, audibly embarrassed. "Did you see?!"

I shook my head. "No! I didn't! I just called you out here so we could talk!" I lowered my voice. "You've been acting a little strange. I don't know what it was but Noah seemed to notice it too. You've been quiet and we both know damn well that being quiet is not like you. Is everything okay? I'm here for you, ma--"

Before I could finish, Ricky turned back to me, thankfully this time with his pants pulled up. "I'm fine. Just please never get anywhere near me while I have my pants off, please."

I laughed nervously, rubbing the back of my neck. "Yeah, sorry. I didn't mean to. I thought you knew what I meant when I asked you to come out here with me," I stated brashly. "Well, clearly I didn't. You said you had to go to the bathroom and nature calls so of course I followed you out here. Had no idea we were going to get deep."

"That's what she s--" Once again, Ricky stopped me before I could finish my little comment, this time with a frantic finger pressed against my lips. Wait... What? A finger pressed against my lips! I pushed him off me, perhaps a little bit too harshly, and he stumbled back with a chuckle. "What are you trying to do, make me lick your piss?"

I turned away from him, shielding my face with desperately cupped hands. Why did he have to be so touchy all of a sudden? I was in no way prepared for that. "No way dude, I just wanted you to shut up!" he called from behind me.

"Oh, you shut up!" I hissed, turning back at him and pretending to throw a couple punches. He was only a couple inches shorter than me but I could still probably dominate him in a fight at any time. Sometimes I liked to remind him about it, just so that he would feel threatened. He played along with me, throwing his arms up in a defensive position.

"Hey, LOVEBIRDS!" Jacques screamed from where he was standing in front of the trailer. "We've been calling you two for the past like, 30 seconds! Are you deaf or something?" Noah called, his hands cupped over his mouth. "Bruh," Ricky mumbled, giving up his act and turning away, unenthusiastically trotted back to where the group waited for us.

"I am so done with you two always acting gay," Marcus said. I scoffed, rolling my eyes in an attempt to be nonchalant. "I'm not gay, and even if I was, I wouldn't waste my time on Ricky," I said, feigning disgust as I looked him up and down.

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