The Night Before

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The 6 teenagers walked out of the office, acting like they'd just been hit by a bomb. They came out one by one; Ryan first, followed by Vicky, Abbie, Dan, Jess and then Lily. Niall ran over to Lily, flinging his arms around her and nesting his head on hers. 

"What happened?" he asked, but he thought he already knew what had happened.

"Well, where do we start..." Lily started, bringing her head up to look at the eager listeners. "We got offered a record deal!" Everyone started going crazy, shaking their hands, flying their hands up into the air. 

"We have a meeting tomorrow with our manager, you'll never guess who it is," Ryan carried on the story. Everyone looked at him with a blank expression. "Kian from Westlife!" The blank expression continued.

"Oh that band Lily likes?" asked Hannah, who was sat on a sofa eating a bag of ready salted crisps.

"Yeah, the amazing ones!" Lily answered. "You know, the really sexy guys?"

One Direction turned to face her, folding their arms in the process. "And what about us?" asked Louis in a disgusted, yet sarcastic tone.

"Oh, you're obviously a lot sexier..." She covered up the hole she had made.

"Thought so!" Louis said looking a lot happier with this statement.

"So Simon said he's booked some rooms for us in the hotel across the road," Ryan carried on with the earlier conversation. "He's booked 7 twin rooms, one person'll have to be on their own."

"I don't mind sleeping on my own," Lily said.

"NO!" Niall screamed. "I wanna stay in a room with you... That sounds really creepy,"

"Aww really? But, I snore...." Lily made an embarrassed gesture on her face.

"I don't care; I wanna spend the night with you,"

There was a synchronised "awwww!" filling the waiting room as Lily nodded and agreed with Niall. The rest of them looked around to see who they would spend their night with. Everyone got into pairs without saying a word, apart from Hannah, who said she didn't mind sleeping on her own. After this was settled, the group made their way to the hotel.

Waiting for them in the lobby were some new clothes and a note from Simon, which read:

"Hi guys, I realised none of you had clothes on you as you had just come from school, so I rang up all of your parents and asked what kind of clothes you like. Each suitcase is for a different person, it should be well labelled. Hope it's all okay, Simon. P.S. There are computers in the rooms, if you haven't already please make a Twitter account (personals and group) with pictures, and a FaceBook page, and I'll get them verified. Make sure the names are appropriate. Thanks guys, see you tomorrow."

And with that, they all picked up their designated suitcase and walked off to the lift to make their way to their rooms.

All the rooms were on the same floor, which happened to be the top one. As they got out of the lift, Lily got her camera out and asked Niall to take a group photo of them for the Twitter and FaceBook accounts. They all agreed that she would make the pages, as she was the most experienced with the social networks. Once the photos were taken, they all took their separate paths and made their way to their rooms. 

As Lily got into her and Niall's room, she dumped all her stuff on the bed closest to the window and jumped straight to the already-logged-on computer. The Internet was the first thing she opened, which brought up the search engine Google. She typed in Twitter, and whilst she was waiting for it to load, Lily opened a new tab and searched for FaceBook. The Twitter site came back on the screen, displaying the 'make a new twitter account' page. As this happened, Niall got a text from Simon, which had an email on it for them to use for both the accounts. It also said he needed to know all the information once the sites have been created. After a little ponder of usernames, Lily finally came up with 'IlluminatedOffic', which was the only thing she could think of that fit. Next, the password. This took a lot more thought, as it had to be something they would all remember. After a few phone calls, a lot of mind mapping, her and Niall came up with the perfect password. This was typed in, along with the email sent from Simon, and then all sent back again. Lily also sent the rest of the band the information, which was the same used for the FaceBook account. Once this was all done, Lily uploaded the picture taken by Niall a few hours before, and made it the profile and cover photo. She sent a sneaky tweet, which read: "Hey guys! Exciting information in the next few days. Lily xx". Literally as soon as this tweet was sent, the account was verified, and the followers were creeping up. Lily clicked on the 'interactions' button on the top left, and saw Niall and Simon had tweeted the account. Niall's read: "sat watching a very special girl make a new twitter account for the new up & coming band, go follow them @IlluminatedOffic <3", and Simon's read "Exciting news regarding @IlluminatedOffic in the next few days. Go follow them and make them feel welcome." After reading these tweets, Lily clicked on the 'home' button which was to the right of the previous, and looked at the followers count. It was already over 100,000. She refreshed the page, and the followers had gone up to 500,000, and counting. 

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