Chapter 8: Camp Blood Part 1

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Everyone was packing while Kyle was finished,

Kyle slowly walked down the stairs and onto his van,

Kyle opened the van doors and saw Shelly's dead body,

"I'm so sorry Shelly, you would of been alive" Kyle said

Kyle grabbed Shelly's body and threw her off the van and on to the floor,


Sky was packing when the door opened.

It was Tate,

"What do you want" Sky told Tate angrily,

"I want you to forgive me" Tate told Sky,

"Do want a cut like your boyfriend?" Sky asked reaching her knife,

"What changed you?" Tate asked,

"The fact that I saw my dead parents and my brother sleeping with my crush, why should I even be nice to people if they aren't being nice" Sky responded angrily,

"Now if you excuse me I'm going to put my things in the van" Sky said pushing Tate out of the way,

Sky slowly made her way down the stairs,

Sky walked out of the cabin,

Kyle was sitting in the van with a cigarette in his hand,

Sky put her bags in the car,

"Seriously?" Sky asked,

"Yea, if I was going to die I might as well have a cigarette" Kyle said,

Sky laughed,

She sat next to Kyle,

"You aren't going to die, none of us are" Sky informed Kyle,

Kyle offered Sky a cigarette,

Sky accepted and took it,

Kyle lid the cigarette,

Sky puts her head on Kyles shoulders,

"You know your really cute" Sky told Kyle,

Kyle laughed,

"Seriously?" Kyle said while laughing.

"Yea," Sky said,

"I always thought you were cute to" Kyle said,

Kyle suddenly kissed Sky,

Kyle broke up the kiss,

"Sky, would you want to be my girlfriend?" Kyle asked smiling,

"In the weirdest moment, but yes I will" Sky said laughing.

They kiss again,

Alex watched,

"Hello!" Alex said breaking their kiss up,

"You seriously chose him instead of me?" Alex asked,

"This doesn't involve you" Sky said,

Soon the seven people alive got in the car,

Tate and Alex got in the front,

They felt the car violently shake,

"Does it always do that?" Sky asked Kyle,

Kyle shook his head as a machete goes through the wall of the van,

People were screaming,

"Drive the fucking car Tate!" Sky yelled.

Blood splashed on Sky's face,

Sky looked around and saw a machete through Tyson's body,

Tyson shortly died

"Tate! Drive the fucking car!" Sky yelled,

"I can't Jason messed with the tire!" Tate yelled,

Everyone stayed quiet,

"Okay, grab something sharp, we are going killer hunting" Sky said


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